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I'm Such An Alpaca

I'm Such An Alpaca

It's been a rough couple of days at work and its really got me reeling. On Friday we lost our largest producing Financial Advisor to a competitor, which really puts a damper in my diaper. Over the last 6 months, in our triad offices, we've lost about 6 Financial Advisors representing nearly 3/4 of a billion dollars in assets under management. Yes, billion. Ouch. Hopefully the rest of the year will improve.

OK, on to poker as that work stuff just brings me down and, like I wrote yesterday, I want to try and keep this from being a bummer, non-poker blog. I played two 45 player SNG's and went out 15th on one and 10th on the other. I don't mind the one where I went out 15th, but the 10th place finish really put a bad taste in my mouth. I played great all the way to that point, then I alpaca-ed my chips off in a matter of 2 hands when I could have probably drifted easily into the money. But in the money was not what I wanted, so I pushed my hands aggressively once the blinds were huge. My reads were way off and it cost me. Oh well. I do want to play in the 45 player SNG Challenge if we can get the details cleared up. I need something like that to keep me motivated.

Since last Friday poker hasn't really been any where near the top of my priority list, so for now I won't bore you with the tripe I'm oozing out in this post. To be honest, I stared at the blogger screen for about 10 minutes then decided to go do something worthwhile. So, I created an unsolicited banner for Big Slick Nuts. BSN, if you want it, just let me know and I'll set it up for you. If you don't want it, you won't hurt my feelings at all. Well, that will have to do it for me tonight.

posted by TripJax @ 3:13 AM,


At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell yes, I want it!



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