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Will I Ever Play Again?

My poker game has officially taken a serious kick in arrears. When it's difficult to pay the bills month to month you have no business putting any money towards poker. By that rational I have not played in any real cash or tournament games in over a month, but I feel good about doing so. Though it certainly makes having a poker blog seem strange, eh? I still read, watch, and want to write about poker enough to keep me fully motivated to keep this thing I got that goin for me. In lieu of actually playing I was scrambling to give our family a very merry Christmas. How we made it through Christmas is beyond me, however, for a guy with no dough I feel truly blessed. At our most trying times this month something always happened that was a blessing. When my Button broke a tooth biting down on something the dentist said "that'll be $98". On that same day an employee where I work who is retiring from the business at the end of December gave me a $100 check as a gift for helping him over the years. When we needed Buttons mom gave us a $50 gift card to the grocery store. This pattern continued through Christmas and has really hit home how the spirit of Christmas is quite real. Not to turn a poker blog into a religious thing, but I feel truly blessed by God to have little things like this happen to my family.

Back to poker...after playing almost once a week for the last couple of years I found myself in a tough situation this month. I have no doubt made more money than I've lost since I first began playing poker, but this was when we had enough money coming in to justify chancing $20 to make $250. Looking back, where the problem was is I didn't seperate our family money from the so called bankroll. When we had a little money in the bank I would feel fine about playing, and when I won it went straight back into our account to help pay for bills. Problem is, that money I used for the buy-in is just as important to go towards bills as what I could potentially lose/win. I've never played with money when we couldn't afford it, but now that I'm in that situation and not playing, it's a tough pill to swallow, but in the long run it's the right medication.

Next up is an explanation of my plan for when I have some discretionary funds to utilize for a bankroll. Plus I may pimp a few more blogs since I've been doing a lot of poker reading during my play hiatus.

posted by TripJax @ 4:15 PM,


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