The Squishiest Muscle?
Friday, March 17, 2006
The Squishiest Muscle?

As for the field trip, we took 13 five year olds on a trek through one of the local hospitals and I'm very surprised to say they were well behaved. I was expecting it to be bad news having that many kids wandering around a hospital, but they were all really cool. Most of them were shy about any situation that involved a doctor, but not Jax. He loves bones and muscles and all that human body stuff.
When we got to the orthopedic surgeon, he asked who would like to pretend they broke their arm and get a cast. While the other kids started pacing backwards and putting their heads down, Jax had his hands in the air saying, "me, me, me!" He is now the proud owner of a cast and arm sling compliments of Moses Cone Hospital. He was pimping around the hospital in that sling the rest of the morning.
Before we went on the field trip Jax's aunt told him to ask the doctor if the tongue was the strongest muscle in the body. After nearing the end of the tour, Jax finally found a moment to pose the question, but he must have gotten a bit confused cause he said, "Mr. Doctor, is the tongue the squishiest muscle in the body?" Everybody got a kick out of that one.
Having missed work yesterday, I also decided to play hooky at my brog as well by not posting. I knew I needed a break from posting and taking yesterday off was a good idea for me. I did however do some house cleaning with the template, though nothing exciting.
I did play some poker, but pretty much broke even on the day. I am now 0-8 in the 45 Player SNG Challenge and I'm pretty disappointed in my results. Just before the challenge I was running hot, but since then I've just hit a road block. I've had numerous matches where I get to around 10 players remaining and then can't get the hands or flops I need at that time. It is very frustrating. I'm going to really have to light it up down the back stretch if I want to win any money on this challenge.
I want to end this post by pimping Iggy's tournament this Sunday. He is trying to send a blogger to the WSoP and I really hope there will be enough sign-ups to get it done. I was the 18th person to sign up yesterday and he needs 55 to get it done. Here are the details:
WPBT WSoP Satellite
This Sunday, March 19th
9:00 pm EST
Paradise Poker
$30 NL
password: email iggy
Let's get a blogger to a WSoP event! If you don't currently have an account with Paradise, one cool thing is you can use Neteller InstaCash and Paradise will pay the 8.9% fee that Neteller charges. Very cool. If you need to open an account, go to Iggy's post and use his Paradise link. Also, to get the password, his email info is on his sidebar at the bottom. Now go sign up damnit!
I did play some poker, but pretty much broke even on the day. I am now 0-8 in the 45 Player SNG Challenge and I'm pretty disappointed in my results. Just before the challenge I was running hot, but since then I've just hit a road block. I've had numerous matches where I get to around 10 players remaining and then can't get the hands or flops I need at that time. It is very frustrating. I'm going to really have to light it up down the back stretch if I want to win any money on this challenge.
I want to end this post by pimping Iggy's tournament this Sunday. He is trying to send a blogger to the WSoP and I really hope there will be enough sign-ups to get it done. I was the 18th person to sign up yesterday and he needs 55 to get it done. Here are the details:
WPBT WSoP Satellite
This Sunday, March 19th
9:00 pm EST
Paradise Poker
$30 NL
password: email iggy
Let's get a blogger to a WSoP event! If you don't currently have an account with Paradise, one cool thing is you can use Neteller InstaCash and Paradise will pay the 8.9% fee that Neteller charges. Very cool. If you need to open an account, go to Iggy's post and use his Paradise link. Also, to get the password, his email info is on his sidebar at the bottom. Now go sign up damnit!
I also need to pimp the HUC3, but that will have to come on my next post as this one has to end here. Thanks for reading.
posted by TripJax @ 9:49 AM,
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