...And You Will Know Me By The Trail Of Dead
Monday, July 02, 2007
I had to use that title 'cause I was listening to that band with 18 players remaining in The Blogger Big Game and I rode them all the way to the win. Quite a fitting title when you win a tournament, I must say. I'd like to write more tonight, but my bed beckons. For anyone interested, I'll add more to this post about the tournament tomorrow - make that today - when I get a chance.
Thanks to everyone who railed, especially my brother, who also made the final table, but missed out on cashing.

I gotta tell ya, there's nothing quite like the rush after winning a tournament. I was very calm as the pop-up, erm, popped up to let me know I had won the tournament. Of course, as usually happens when I win a decent size tournament, I say that I'm tired and need to go to bed, but I end up just lying there with a little bit too much secretion from ye ole adrenal medulla to the bloodstream (otherwise known as adrenaline).
As I mentioned in a recent previous post, I cashed out the bulk of my roll in prep for Okie-Vegas. I had rounded to the nearest $100, which left me with $13.00 in my account along with one $26 token. I hemmed and hawwed about what to do with the token as I really wanted to play a large guarantee tourney, but I also wanted to play the Blogger Big Game. Eventually I decided to play a token SNG to try and win the $75 seat.
While that SNG was playing out, I also played the cheap ass NL cash game tables with my $13 trying to get it up to $15. My thought was if I didn't win the token at the sng, I'd have one more chance at a token frenzy for a $75 token. Nothing like cashing out your roll to make you feel like a broke ass online poker player. To keep this post from never ending, I'll get to the point. I won my token sng on the 1st try and donked off the $13 all the way down to one penny remaining.
That's right, after buying into the Blogger Big Game last night, I had one penny remaining in my account. I recall this situation happening to Chad not too long ago and he went on a rush building his roll back up. I was hoping for the same, but knew it would be tough.
As for the tournament last night, I don't recall a whole lot of details. I hung around at or below the average for most of the first 2 hours. In fact, I recall when the average was around 7000+, I think I had about 2500 in chips. I knew it would be a tough road with the chip leader at 14,000 by that point, but I wasn't worried too much. I just needed one little rush to get me going. That rush came at the expense of Julius Goat. Sorry my friend.
As the blinds and antes started to build, I could see the steals beginning to increase at my table. I knew this was prime time to pick up some chips from folks unable to call with hands like AT or a small pocket pair, where it feels good to win a steal, but you just can't call an all-in from someone with chips. At that point I didn't have enough to re-steal with a raise that wasn't an all-in, but my pushing all-in was definitely enough to put players to tough decisions. I started to try and steal less, but resteal more. In particular, I had a couple of hands against Goat where I pushed him off his raises.
In one particular steal I pushed all-in with 7 9 hearts when he had raised it up. Not even an orbit later I pick up AA and try to mask my huge hand with another steal opportunity. I overbet by pushing all-in again and he called again with JJ. I believe he calls me with even a lesser hand based on the frustration factor of constantly being played back at.
From there I don't remember much. I recall a big hand against Hoy where I flopped a straight draw and turned a straight and flush draw. I pushed hoping to take the hand down there, but even if I got a call, I had quite a few outs. I think I had TJ with a board of Xs Q K Xs. I would have much rather made the play having KQ and the TJ be on the board, giving me overs as well, but as it were, I felt my push gave enough bang to get him out for a nice pot or win a huge pot if I spike the river. He called (don't remember with what, but I want to say a pair of 8's) and I spiked my spade on the river to take down the pot. I believe I showed more emotion on that hand than I did when I won the tournament.
From there it was a tough battle, especially when we got 3 handed. At one point or another we were all 3 chipleaders as well as the short stack. It was back and forth quite a bit. I got extremely lucky - in a weird way - to be the awkward stack during most of the 3 way action. What I mean by that is I was usually not the chippleader, or even 2nd place, but I had a chip count that both players knew I would probably push with any 3X raise. For this reason, I believe RakeFeeder gave me a lot of walks in the BB that otherwise I wouldn't have normally gotten. His passive play in those hands really kept me afloat without having to constantly push.
While I did play rather timid early on 3 handed, eventually I really ramped up the aggression. I was putting them both to decisions with very suspect hands hoping that I could keep that trend going when I woke up with a monster. I don't recall much of the action at that point, but when I ramped up the aggression, things didn't last much longer. When Hoy and I got heads-up I just had a good feeling about winning it all even though I was the shorter stack. Any time he raised it up, I pushed knowing if he didn't have a monster he would have a tough decision to make. That seemed to work as I think he became willing to race fairly quickly.
If we had more chips to work vs. the blinds and antes at that point, I think it could have been a long drawn out heads up match. However, with the situation at hand, I was not going to play it out that way. Luckily, on the last hand I had AT vs his KX and my hand held up for the win.
So kids, that's how you go from one penny in your FT account to quite a bit more.
Good times peoples. And thanks for all the comments.
I'm happy to grab some momentum going into the freeroll. I had missed my fair share of the BBT tourneys lately due to travel obligations, so I had seen my place slip from the teens to the twenties. With this win I was able to get back into the teens (no pun intended).
I'm bummed that my bro probably won't be playing in the freeroll. He only played 13 events, final tabling 5 of them, and cashing in I think 3 or 4, but it wasn't enough since he could only play in that many events due to his work schedule. Oh well, maybe next year, if there is a next year.
Until next time, may the felt be with you.
posted by TripJax @ 1:50 AM,
- At 3:54 AM, Chad C said...
Thank you for not letting call station win!
- At 5:13 AM, smokkee said...
well done Trip, very nice cash.
- At 7:26 AM, Ingoal said...
- At 8:46 AM, Julius_Goat said...
Nicely done, sir.
Also: Curse your eyes!!!
gg - At 10:15 AM, said...
Congrats on the win and on adding a nice chunk-o-change to your roll.
- At 10:17 AM, oossuuu754 said...
well done sir
- At 10:30 AM, PokahDave said...
Saved the best for last I see....very nice....
- At 10:36 AM, Dave said...
Grats on your Big Game take down. Real nice prize too.
- At 11:13 AM, Matt Silverthorn said...
Congrats, Trip. Although I didn't see you at all during the game, it looks like you kicked some ass. Well done!
- At 11:15 AM, Rake Feeder said...
The 3 way match was brutal. Nice job on the win!
- At 12:59 PM, said...
Well done Trip.
Great story too from one penny to $1250. - At 1:21 PM, Matt said...
Great band, great victory. Congrats!
- At 1:43 PM, cmitch said...
Congrats!!! Nothing like a big win - especially this one!!
- At 1:55 PM, Jordan said...
Very nice, Trip. I had a feeling you had a big win coming to you. Shweet!
- At 2:02 PM, BadBlood said...
Please accept my standard blogger on blogger post-tourney win congratulations and all that. :)
- At 2:20 PM, Hammer Player a.k.a Hoyazo said...
Wtg Trip, your analysis of the end game is basically right on and you played it very well. Fun times and congrats to you for a well deserved win.
- At 3:48 PM, KajaPoker said...
Well done Trip. It always helps to have pennies in your account. FTP likes that.
- At 5:42 PM, CC said...
Sweet score; congrats!!
- At 6:53 PM, surflexus said...
Well done!!!
- At 10:25 PM, Heavy Critters said...
Nice score, Jizzy.
Way to show all those blogger donkeys who's the boss (that would be YOU and not Tony Danza).
Again, nyer. - At 9:45 AM, Littleacornman said...
Congrats on a fine score Trip!
- At 7:21 PM, Pseudo_Doctor said...
congrats man..
- At 4:00 AM, Brez said...
Well done Trip! How's that for a bankroll recovery :)
- At 1:30 AM, jjok said...
very nice.....congrats man
- At 1:29 PM, Unknown said...
You SO totally rock dude!
- At 6:28 PM, WindBreak247 said...
I'm way behind on my reading, obviously, but I wanted to be sure to congratulate one of my favorite bloggers and all-around nice guy's on an impressive win. Hope Okie-Vegas is/was fun!
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