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You Trickin' On Me?

You Trickin' On Me?

Poker and I got along this weekend. I only missed cashing twice in 4 days. I didn't play too often, but when I did I was in a good frame of mind and the results showed. I didn't cash in the Maui SNG I mentioned below and I placed 5th in the last SNG I played just a little while ago. Otherwise, I was in the moo moo. One of my wins, albeit small, was in a Titan Dirty Dozen. Just three more wins and then I'll be as bad ass as Scott at DeadMoneyInc. He turned $2.50 into $2000 by winning four of those in a row. Damn.

While dropping trow I usually try to have something interesting to read. Often I've printed some poker blog posts, cardplayer articles, or whatever is interesting at the moment. This weekend I found myslef lacking in all of the above so I grabbed the first thing I could put my hands on while rushing to the bowl. It was an old ass Reader's Digest book published in 1982 titled Mysteries Of The Unexplained. I flipped to page 59 (my favorite number) and here was the first thing I read:

Fate Plays A Hand - In 1858 Robert Fallon, of Northumberland, England, was accused of cheating in a poker game at the Bella Union saloon in San Francisco and shot dead. Since money won by cheating - $600 in this case - was thought to be unlucky, the other players called in the first available passerby to take the dead man's place, confident that they would soon win the money back. By the time the police arrived, though, the new player had turned the original $600 into $2,200. When the police asked for the $600, so that they could pas it on to the dead man's next of kin, the young stranger proved that he was Fallon's son, who had not seen his father for seven years.

Now that is pretty f'ing crazy. It's sort of along the lines of the Dead Man's Hand. I thought you all
would enjoy that one.

The following were statements made by little TripJax this weekend. He's 5 yrs old by the way...

  • You Trickin' On Me? - He said this one to wifey after she said something he didn't believe. I'm quite sure this will be the new way I ask, "Are you serious?"
  • I'm A Mental Robot - He was intending to say, "I'm a little robot", a statement from a Barney video he watched when he was 2 or 3 years old, but it came out wrong. It just sounded funny as hell the way he said it.
  • I'm Wood And This Is My Pecker - He was pretending to be a woodpecker. Wifey and I just broke out laughing when he dropped that one on us. He had no idea why we were laughing.
  • I'm A Ho - I had said the word hose earlier and he was saying I'm a hose, but it was coming out as I'm A Ho. Again, it was random and just had us cracking up.

All that was random, but had me laughing. It may be the "had to be there" type, but regardless I thought I would throw it out there.

I'd like to offer my condolences to DonkeyPuncher and all the Chicago Bears fans out there. As I suspected, the Panthers played their asses off to punch their ticket for the NFC Championship. Every time they've made the playoffs they've made it to the NFC Championship. That's pretty friggin' amazing. Damn I hope they can make it to the SuperBowl. I like they're chances. Go Panthers!

Well, that will have to do it for today. More to come this week. Thanks for reading this far!

posted by TripJax @ 3:01 AM,


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