Where Is TripJax
Monday, April 28, 2008
I got a girly chat from GCox over the weekend that said, "Where is TripJax?" It was a valid question. I guess my only answer of late is every where but the poker tables. Work has been keeping me full on busy, which has virtually destroyed any chance of blogging or reading. At night by the time 9:00pm rolls around, I'm dog tired and just not motivated to start out a tourney when sluggish. I could probably play well for the first few hours, but no one should enter a tourney with plans to play well the first few hours. You have to be in it for the long haul and I haven't been of late.
As for the weekends, I've stayed pretty busy with trying to finish this deck. I'm very excited about the prospects of sitting on a deck I built within the next 2 weeks. We have completed the decking and now only have the steps and railing to complete. Before I started, I figured a 15X20 deck would be a decent size, but nothing too much. Now that we have framed it out and put down the decking, I am realizing this is a huge deck considering the size of our back yard. I'm hella excited to finish it up.

All the above duly noted, I plan on playing The Hoy tonight and I hope you will join me.

My princess turned 3 on April 16th and I just had to share at least a couple of pictures from the party...

posted by TripJax @ 11:02 AM,
- At 1:21 PM, Unknown said...
Wow, just as cute as ChickJax.
When we see the mighty Trip, we will throw a party. :-)
IT - At 12:26 AM, April said...
I love those cupcakes!!
She's a beauty! Happy birthday to her! - At 9:02 AM, Joaquin "The Rooster" Ochoa said...
Happy Birthday to Chickjax daughter for there is no way you helped in making such a cute kid.
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