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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In doing a quick intertubes search this morning, I see he is part of team Bodog, or at the very least, was sponsored by them in playing the 2006 WSoP Main Event. Not sure if he was on the team since he won his seat through BoDog or if he really is one of the pros on their site. Regardless, he played well and deserved the win.
As for me, after nearly exhausting my Bodog bankroll, two strong showings back to back have strengthened the roll and hopefully put me closer to a chance at a WSoP seat through BoDog. I know I still have my work cut out for me, but I definitely feel better about my situation now.

I've started and stopped posts twice this week, but work and life have just taken over each time and I've bagged each post. Even right this moment I'm rushing to get a post up. At work, we just brought over a financial advisor team from another firm, so that is keeping me busy. They have nearly 1/2 billion in assets under management, so you can imagine the headache of trying to transfer all that over.
As for life, ChickJax continues to be down with the sickness and we are all just hoping for the day when she feels better. After lots of reviews, tests and bloodwork by the docs, they have found a very large cyst AND seperate tumor that are of concern. More tests are being done and we are waiting for word on some things, but we are just hoping for the best. It seems her immune system has been really weak lately, which makes it tough with all the bugs that are going around. Not sure if the tumors play a part, but we'll know more eventually. I just want my wife better as it is really tough to watch her go through all this feeling so bad every day.

I missed The Hoy this week and at the last minute chose to unregister from the Skillz game last night. I hope to play The Mook tonight, but I can't make any promises. If I'm there, I hope you'll join me. If I'm not, I hope you win it...
Until next time, may the felt be with you.
posted by TripJax @ 10:28 AM,
- At 11:04 AM, Unknown said...
Yikes. My thoughts are with ChicJax.
- At 11:34 AM, said...
Good job last night, hope your wife feels better soon.
- At 11:57 AM, TenMile said...
The Best for the Frau.
- At 12:51 PM, KajaPoker said...
take care of that chick!
i think bodog only had 4 sponsored 5 sponsored pros: Arieh, Ng, David, JR Bellande and ZeeJustin.
send me the CineJax U-tube login info to my e-mail K?
oh, and well done on the 1st & 2nd, doh! - At 12:53 PM, said...
Nice run. Hope the wifey gets better soon.
- At 12:58 PM, BadBlood said...
Here's hoping the Mrs. gets better soon.
- At 1:32 PM, 23skidoo said...
I hope Mrs Jax gets to feeling better real soon!
Good job in the bodonkey! - At 1:59 PM, Unknown said...
ChickJax needs to get better soon.
- At 2:26 PM, smokkee said...
way to shoot up the leaderboard!
btw if you win a seat thru Bodog to the main event, you're part of "Team Bodog". - At 3:45 PM, Klopzi said...
Hope all goes well with your wife.
- At 4:50 PM, TripJax said...
Thank you everyone. We greatly appreciate your thoughts.
- At 10:09 PM, Evy said...
I am sorry I am just getting to offering my well wishes (see my post re: work tilt), but please know that your wife is my thoughts. I can only imagine the frustration of not feeling well and not knowing why. I hope the mystery is solved soon and that alls well that ends well...
- At 9:31 AM, joxum said...
Been offline most of the week, but I'm glad to hear read your wife's doing better.
Best of luck,
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