Monday, March 27, 2006
Last week I wrote a post titled What Do You Do, WHAT DO YOU DO?! asking for responses about a specific poker scenario. If you missed it, click the link before you read on. I have not given my response in a post and thought I would give that now. In that particular scenario, if I get the 5 of diamonds as my first card, I would like to the get the 6 of diamonds as my second card. The possibilities with this hand are many, with a flush, straight, trips, and two pair being potential hands that could be winners. However, if the flop doesn't give you action cards, then it is easy to get away from. And I would probably check in the BB in that position, though I could see raising also. My next choices would be another 5 or an Ace of diamonds. Check out the comments in that post to get plenty of input from other folks. If there was an award for most creative response, Drizz would win it.
posted by TripJax @ 11:31 AM,
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