Dude, WTF?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Dude, WTF?

I know I'm not alone in the blogosphere when I say sometimes I just don't have shizzy to write about. That said, the little wtf? moment gave me an idea. Well, mainly the question mark gave me an idea. Why don't I throw some questions out there and let my dear readers answer any and all that they please in the comments.
To save on time and space when commenting, just put the number you are answering and, erm, your answer.
Some folks have mentioned answering the questions on their blog. That would be cool too...
Lets light this candle.
1. What is the biggest mistake people make at a NL table?
2. What is the biggest mistake people make at a Limit table?
3. Why do you play poker?
4. If you weren't playing poker, what would you be doing?
5. What is your favorite poker book and why?
6. Who is your favorite poker player and why?
7. Which poker player do you dislike the most and why?
8. Do your coworkers know about your blog?
9. What is the most you have won in a cash game or MTT (both live and online)?
10. What is the most you have lost in a cash game or in one day total (both live and online)?
11. Who was your first poker blog read?
12. What satisfies you more, your aces holding up for a big pot or a bluff working for a big pot?
13. Why do you blog?
14. Do you read blogs from an RSS reader like bloglines or do you visit each blog?
15. Would you rather play poker for a living than do what you currently do for a living?
16. Do you wear a tin foil hat on occasion?
17. If you had to pin it down to one specific trait, what does a great poker player have (or do) that separates them from an average player?
18. Is Drizz the coolest person on the planet for naming his baby Vegas?
19. What is your primary poker goal and are you close to accomplishing it?
20. What is your primary online site and why?
21. What site do you dislike and why?
That's going to have to do it for me. I think I will give my answers in my post tomorrow. Most of the questions are pretty lame, but I'm just having a turd moment in the ole noggin' so you'll have to forgive me.
I also think I need to write about what I linked in number 8 on my next post. This whole blog thing and work can get hairy and I hate the way things have turned for Bob. It's bullshit, but I'll delve deeper later.
Before DADI makes an appearance at the end of this month, don't forget that the WPBT has an upcoming tournament this Sunday. Make that tournaments.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 11:26 AM,
- At 12:20 PM, Klopzi said...
I think I'll answer your questions on my blog...I'm looking for content myself and this works quite nicely.
Plus, I'm useless as a writer and I don't want to leave a steaming pile in your comment section out of respect to your and your readers. - At 9:42 PM, doubleas said...
A LOT of questions so I'll choose a few interesting ones.
3. because i have a big ego and want to satisfy that ego by beating good players.
4. Having sex, watching sports, exercising and getting more sleep.
5. Ciaffone's PL and NL book because it was the first place I found discussion on some very important topics.
6. Negreanu - seems to have fun and never seems to make a mistake.
12. big bluff - obv.
13. i'm a dork
14. bloglines
19. big great - not close
6. - At 8:35 AM, said...
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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