The Party Is Over
Monday, May 01, 2006
The Party Is Over

I speak not of the fishies, as they will continue to swim the Party seas, and I hope you are there to relieve them of their bankroll. I, on the other hand, can only take so much craptastic Party Poker Customer Support before I feel obliged to send my hard earned bankroll to finer establishments.
Let me take you down the sad road that is customer support offered by Party. First, I want to note this inolves PSO and I do not blame them in the least. I put this 100% on Party. For some background on the ordeal, I finished a promotion at PSO and earned enough points to get a $100 Party Poker gift card. I had already received a $100 Party Poker gift card in late 2005 via the exact same way, so I didn't expect to have any problems. All of the following are email exchanges. If you don't enjoy customer service crap, it may be time to move on to your next blog read.
Sentences in red are my current thoughts on the subject and were not part of the emails.
PSO to Me:
Jason...Party says you're a play money player and won't allow the giftcard transfer, sorry...order cancelled.
If you have any questions, please post them in our forum for assistance.
I might have been a play money player for a couple of days when I opened the account in 2003, but I quickly hated that shit and deposited money posthaste.
Me to PSO:
My screen name is trip_jax...
If you click this link, (link removed), you will see a screenshot of My Account which clearly shows I have $xxx.xx in real money and my screen name shows clearly in the top right hand corner.
Just when I thought their customer service was turning a corner, they go and do this. The ONLY reason I still maintain an account their is because of PSO.
It is obvious they just quickly checked a screen name similar to mine and did not take the time to be sure before denying my giftcard purchase. If they actually look closely they will see that trip_jax is in fact a real money account.
Let me know what you find out. My patience with Party is wearing thin.
I appreciate your continued time and help.
PSO to ME:
Jason...this is what i get:
Sorry, we are unable to transfer funds to trip_jax as he has not registered with the Cashier. Please ask trip_jax to click on "Deposit" in the cashier and complete the form. Please try again once trip_jax registers with the Cashier.
I think this means you never filled out the necessary info...check and make sure it's all filled out and let me know, thanks.
Me To PSO:
I don't know what they are talking about, I've been real money from the get go. If I didn't fill out the necessary info, I wouldn't have $xxx.xx in my account right now as evidenced by the link I listed earlier.I know this is not you or PSO doing this, but it makes absolutely no sense. If I had not registered with the cashier, I would not have money in my account right now. I've been real money since 2003. On top of that, this is not my first gift certificate I've gotten for Party through PSO. Check my PSO account and you'll see I've gotten one in the what sense does that make if they will do it once for a real money acct then turn around and deny the next one.??!!
I'll deal with this when I get home tonight.
From there I received an email stating sorry there is nothing else PSO can do and I should contact Party Poker directly.
Me to Party Support:
I recently completed a promotion with and ordered a $100 Party Poker gift certificate through them. I received an email (see below) from PokerSourceOnline support stating that a Party Poker representative notes that I am a play money player and do not have a real money account.
First, I have been a real money player with Party Poker for years. I don't recall the exact date that I first signed up, but it was probably in late 2003. My initial deposit(s) were via the eChecks by IGM-Pay option.
Second, if I am not a real money player, why do I show the following two most recent real money transactions on My Account as noted below:
12-Nov-05 14:34 ET
Money Transfer $100.00 Success (This is the last gift certificate)
04-Nov-05 17:19 ET PURCHASE $50.00 Success (This was a deposit by me)
Third, if I am not a real money player, how do I have $xxx.xx in my account and show the transactions above??!!
Fourth, this is not even the first Party Poker gift certificate I have received from PokerSourceOnline. As you can see from above, I have already received a $100 gift card. Yet, suddenly I am a play money player and not a real money player??!!
Your company seems to have a quickness in denying the request from PokerSourceOnline rather than a willingness to look further into the subject and see that you are frustrating a PAYING customer.
Now, I ask that you do more than just deny the claim, look into what the exact problem/issue is, and let me know what needs to be done. I am not a play money player. I have a real money account. I have made deposits in the past. I have received a gift card in the past. Please do your job, and help your customer, me, get what I am due.
Four days go by and I am hella pissed at this point. Still, I feel I kept my cool.
Me To Party Support:
I am confused as to why I have not at least received an acknowledgment of the support email I sent 4 days ago. Can someone please help me.
Thank you for your time and help.
Party Support to Me:
Dear Jason,
We have many affiliate sites who promote The is one of our affiliate sites whom you were corresponding with.
While promoting, these affiliates come up with various unique offers which they offer to players to sign-up. Players are directly associated with these affiliate site and we cannot interfere in their promotional offers.
Hence, I request you to contact this respective site if you are due for any gift offer.
From I confirm that you have a real money account trip_jax with us, which you created on 21-OCT-2003.
For any further assistance please write to me, I will be happy to assist you.
Poker Customer Care
Me To Party Poker:
PokerSourcOnline is not the one denying the gift card...Party Poker is...and for reasons that are not just. You say I have a play money account and I have clearly shown that I have a real money account. There is absolutely no reason for Party Poker to deny this request, yet you do so. I have been a real money member of Party Poker for years.
You note the following...
Sorry, we are unable to transfer funds to trip_jax as he has not registered with the Cashier. Please ask trip_jax to click on "Deposit" in the cashier and complete the form.Please try again once trip_jax registers with the Cashier.
Can you explain what this means to me? Even though I have deposited before, I went to the Deposit section as noted above and I see no form to be filled out. Is there something I need to do even though I am clearly a real money account?
What makes all this an absolute waste of my time and yours is the original Party Poker representative who contacted PSO told them I have a play money account, yet in the last email you sent me you note I've had a real money account since 21-OCT-2003. What gives?
Help, please.
Jason Turner
Me to Party Support:
Actually, Bhavana, please disregard this request. I no longer want the Party Poker gift card or Party Pokers help.
I sent the above final email after not receiving a response in a timely fashion, as usual. I never heard back from them.
In Summary:
Party Poker, if you Bhavana piss me off, you've succeeded. I have since withdrawn my money from Party and do not plan to deposit with them in the foreseeable future. However, if they ever eventually toss some free gank in my account I will try and clear it and withdraw it immediately upon completion. All I have to say is fuck party.
I hear PSO offers Absolute gift cards. Looks like I have a new promotion to work on.
Non-Pokery Stuff:
For those of you who watched at least the beginning of the NFL Draft, did you think that intro was a tad over the top. Putting the guys on a flashy stage, dressing them like pimps, and boosting their already inflated egos to a new level. I thought it was pretty much ridiculous. I know that draft day is a big deal and all, but come on, I don't need to see that shit. These guys have not even played one second in the NFL and some might not even see any action this coming season. That's just my thoughts on the subject.
Follow-Up Thoughts From My Previous Post:
I'm done with On Blogs and Lists. I hope you are too.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 12:14 PM,
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