Okie Is OK With Me
Friday, April 21, 2006
Okie Is OK With Me

You see, this plane ticket is for Okie-Vegas, and is fully funded with poker profits. Mmmm that smells good. It did hurt to take the bankroll hit, but considering it is poker related I don't mind. It felt good to see my work on the felt go towards something I've been striving for.
For those that don't know about Okie-Vegas, take a look see here and then let GCox know in his latest comments if you are interested. I will say this, if you are thinking of going, or definitely going, but have not bought your plane tickets, do it! Gas prices are on the rise so tickets will be on the rise as well. Get with it people!
Like me, if you are unable to make the WPBT event in July (work obligations) then maybe Okie-Vegas will be your answer.
On the second SNG, we were down to the final 3 with only top 2 getting paid and I was a huge chip leader. The other players were about even with not a lot of chips left relative to the blinds. I was in the big blind and after the button folded the small blind pushed. I held K 5 off suit and was thinking about calling when the button, jjrob, typed in, "CALL!" I had planned on calling, but didn't like the fact that some joker was going to think I did it because of him. After a few seconds I made the call and my opponent flipped over A 8, which held up.
After the hand I typed, "stay out of it" to jjrob to which he promptly replied, "**** u tripjax." Now I don't normally chat or respond to jokers, but I felt like my "stay out of it" comment was legit. I did not initially respond to his fuck u comment, but about 3 minutes later I got all-in against him with a dominating hand and knocked him out on the bubble. After knocking him out, I promptly responded, "no jjrob F U!" They no longer allow observer chat at UB so I know he was just steaming after my comment, but there was nothing he could do. I'm sure I was added to his "buddy" list.
There were some great comments from my last couple of bankroll posts. I definitely like Jordan's separate wallet idea and think I'm going to give that a whirl.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 12:34 PM,
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