Monday, April 10, 2006

Then it happened. *Back to pokery stuff in a moment*
We got a call from the hospital around 11:30pm Friday night letting us know that the blood tests they had on TripBaby were coming back with a more serious infection than they first realized. They wanted her back at the hospital right away. We informed them that she had been fine all day and was finally sleeping after a long day and they finally decided that we should take her to our family doctor the next day and then they would make a decision from there.
On Saturday we were at the family doctor early and things really started getting serious. They told us her blood and urine samples both had serious infections and they were afraid of numerous potential problems, including spinal menangitis. We were advised to immediately go to the hospital and prepare to give her another chest x-ray, a spinal tap, and IV treatment. They also told us she could be in the hospital for days or even weeks. This obviously put TripWifey and I in WTF? mode. Here our little baby is seemingly doing fine on the outside, but we're being told she is not ok on the inside.
We of course did what they said and headed for the hospital. TripWifey brokedown on the way there and I was doing my best to hold back the tears myself. We have had serious stuff come up with TripBoy and TripBaby in the past, but nothing like this. We made it to the hospital post haste and an eerie feeling came over me. As we made it to the 6th floor I realized this was the same exact area of the hospital I took TripBoy and his classroom to for their field trip last month. I wrote about that here.
We spent 3 hours in the treatment room and again ended up having to hold TripBaby down for 10 minutes to insert the IV. This time they were able to do it on the first try. It was a good thing too cause they were running out of places to poke the little one. She is now very gun shy around anyone she does not already know for fear that they have a needle in their hand and are going to prick her. I'm amazed she still found comfort in my holding her after having to help hold her down so many times. It would have crushed me if she was scared of me, but our bond is very strong.
As the hour neared for the spinal tap, we received incredible news. It seems there were some outside contaminants that had entered the blood samples and they were causing the culture growth in the sample. Not only did she not have any serious infection, but the virus she originally had (when she had the 105.5 temp) was working its way out with the antibiotics we have been giving her since all this started. Can you see why I title the post Roller Coaster.
At this point, I wanted to be pissed about all the conflicting info we were receiving, but all I could think about was our baby not getting a spinal tap and not having to spend her birthday in the hospital. It was quite surreal. At 8:30 am we were being told to prepare for a long stay in the hospital and at 5:30 pm we were back at home in the clear. She's still on the antibiotics since she did have a virus that needed to be dealt with, but damn what an emotional 4 days.
Back to poker. *I can sense the sigh of relief from my readers*
After my $100+ day on Friday, I've taken a bit of a nosedive. I've won a few SNG's, but my MTT play has been rough. I was in line to have a HUGE chip lead in a rubuy tournament after the rebuy period was over, but was counterfeited on the river. I win that hand and I have 55k in chips and the next closest would have been 20k. Instead I was down to the felt and out on the next hand. Then I got into a $20 SNG and was down to the bubble when I got it all in against the chip leader and we both turned over A K unsuited. A four flush by him sent me packing and put a real bad taste in my mouth. Me thinks I'm done with poker till, erm, the freeroll by PokerSavvy Monday night.
I did have something happen this weekend that had not happened in a while, but I must watch out for. When I find myself low in money at a poker site, say $50 or less, I sometimes get the "awwfukkits" and start playing $20 or more SNG's. This can be great for a quick bankroll boost, but can also be a disaster if you hit a bad run. It seems like no big deal since it is a small amount, but wasting $50 playing beyond your roll is just stupid. No more awwfukkits for me. Anybody else have the same problem?
Well, that is it for me. Like I mentioned before, hopefully the drama from TripFamily is beyond us. Time will tell. Thanks for reading and commenting over the last week folks.
posted by TripJax @ 3:01 AM,
- At 11:43 PM, SirFWALGMan said...
Glad she didnt need one. We had to do that with my son when he was first born and it is hard.
- At 2:08 AM, jjok said...
That's great news. Glad everything is turning out okay.
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