Dates With Rivered Straights
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Dates With Rivered Straights

I have no regrets on this tournament. I relished the chance to play in a big stack tourney with great players, but I am bummed I have to be at work in a couple of hours. I promise the DADI 5 won't take as long, even though I thought the deep stack was a good idea. The DADI will be 3000 chips / 20 minute blinds so probably more like 3 to 4 hours instead of 7 hours.
Kudos to Iggy for throwing a great tourney and for ponying up some extra dough to help 2nd place out. If you didn't know it already, Iggy is what is right about the poker community. Thanks man.
If GCox or Lucko get a seat I want 5% of that action biotches. That's it for me. Bedtime beckons.
I couldn't leave my boy hangin' so I watched it all the way through. GCox made it to the final 3, but was the most brutal of bubble boys. Unfortunately it was by another straight versus Lucko21. I have to say, Lucko pounded the table with constant betting, putting the pressure on others. And, like you need along the way, he got lucko at the right time. Good game to all and congrats to Lucko and MyRadioHead. Good luck in Vegas. Condolences to GCox and Maigrey and Champ finishing 3rd, 4th, and 5th respectively.
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***2nd edit***
In hindsight, and after a few hours of so-called sleep to mull it over, I should be happy I got as far as I did. I won a key race situation against, I believe, easy_wind when I rivered my Ace with AQ against his middle pair. Without that hit I am asleep at 2am, and not pondering what could have been, and he is off to the races with probably over 100k. And I think GCox would a agree he hit some key hands to make it as far as he did. Who doesn't in a big tournament? All that said, it still smarts, but I am again happy with the way things went down. Thank you to those who have already or eventually comment here and to those who railed the tournament last night. Support kicks ass and it is nice to know some folks think I played a pretty decent game.
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posted by TripJax @ 6:45 AM,
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