Lets Light This Candle
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Lets Light This Candle

Moving on, now that Iggy's tourney is over, I'm ready to do some pimping of our own little monster, the DADI 5. Let's get a few thoughts out of the way before I give details on the prize pool and goodies.
93 people showed up for Iggy's tournament and 91 missed out on Vegas. That can be a hard pill to swallow for some, but I hope you see what is going on here. Of course you want to win the damn thing, but when you don't, at least you know you are helping send a blogger to Vegas to represent the poker blogging community. That is a good thing. I, for one, earmarked at least $100 of the roll this year for WSoP Blogger Satellites. I then went out and made it a point to try and win back all my buy-ins via SNG's and cash games and so far so good.
In Iggy's last tournament, I loved the idea of the deep stacks. It is rare I get a chance to play a tournament like this and I was happy to see I could play my game and have success. I don't recall having to put my whole stack at risk very often and that was pretty cool. There was plenty of room to breathe and work to build a stack. All that said, DADI 5 is going to be somewhere in the middle of your typical PokerStars tourney and Mondays deep stack tourney.
For DADI 5 there will be 3000 in chips and 20 minute blinds. Double the regular starting stack and blind minutes, but not as deep as the 5000 chips/30 minute blinds from Monday. I think that should hopefully work well for everyone.
OK, lets get to the prize pool and goodies. For those who have not seen this already, here are details for DADI 5:
The Winner Receives:
-$1500 WSOP Seat for every 54 Players (Travel Expenses not Included)
-Naming Rights to the Next WWdn Tournament
-A free Seat in the WWdn Tournament of Champions
Along with the following special prizes for 2nd - 4th, any remaining prize pool after the WSoP seat(s) are secured will be paid out in increments of $100. Example: If prize pool is $2100, payout will be 1st/WSoP Seat, 2nd through 7th/$100 each.
2nd Place Receives:
An iPod shuffle, compliments of PokerOnAMac.com.
3rd Place Receives:
10,000 PSO Points , compliments of PokerSourceOnline.com.*
4th Place Receives:
5,000 PSO Points, compliments of PokerSourceOnline.com.*
*PSO Points redeemable at PokerSourceOnline.com at the PSO Points Store.
WPBT Player Of The Year Points will be awarded for this tournament!
In addition, for this week only, DADI has joined forces with the WWdn, thus there will be no WWdn on Tuesday, April 25th. We hope all WWdn regulars will play in DADI 5 to support sending another player to the WSoP through a blogger event.
For clarification, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th prizes are meant for the players directly after the WSoP seat winners. Therefore, if enough people play so that 2 seats are offered, then the iPod would actually go to the 3rd place finisher, and so on.
I want to personally thank...
Mike (from PSO for offering the PSO Points)
dbirider (from PokerOnAMac for offering the iPod Shuffle)
Wil (from WWdn for working with us on the timeframe of DADI and WWdn)
Biggestron (from WPBT-POY for working with us to offer Player of Year points)
GCox (for always being an Advisor Extraordinaire)
Katitude (for turning Jordan's banner above into a small animated DADI 5 banner)
Iggy (for the recent talks and for the past WSoP Satellites)
I also want to thank all the bloggers out there who have made the last 4 DADI's a major success and will be integral in helping DADI 5 send more bloggers on their way to Vegas.
Lets light this candle. Sign up playas.
posted by TripJax @ 11:11 AM,
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