Rotavirus That's The Name
Monday, April 17, 2006
Rotavirus That's The Name...
...And Away Go Troubles Down The Drain.
So we finally have an answer regarding TripBaby. The very long story made very short (I've written about it enough) is that she originally had a blood infection, and while in the hospital treating said blood infection, she apparently got the rotavirus. Thankfully, it has pretty much run its course and she is feeling much better. Though we did have to cancel her 1st birthday party on Saturday, she did have a great birthday and Easter yesterday with just the family. She is feeling great now and I am very, very happy to have this episode behind us.
I had Friday off from work and decided to take it off from blogging as well. It is strange how I correlate blogging and work. Usually if I have a day away from the job, I feel the need to stay away from blogging as well. It's like a day of rest and, though I love doing this blog, sometimes it can feel like work. I think that is why so many blogs end up dying in there first few months.
Amateur writers get gung ho about a topic they want to blog about and start off with a bang. Then life gets in the way and the next thing you know the blog is 59th on the list of things to do. That is why I commend any blogger who makes it to their 1st anniversary of writing and keeps at it. When I started this here TripJax venture back in 2004, I never thought I would go more than a year, but here I am in year three and I'm not ready to give it up. It feels like a part of me and I'm proud of that.
A while back I read where Pauly said if you are going to write you should write everyday. After I read that I decided to look back at my archives and noticed I probably was not writing enough. I decided that I liked his idea, but I needed to make it work for me. I resolved to blog every week day possible and take a break on the weekends.
It's actually pretty interesting that I am even sitting here writing these words right now. I never liked writing growing up and, to be honest, I'm not even sure I "like" writing now. Being passionate about something like poker has given me a drive to tolerate writing, become a better writer, and not be afraid to have my words read by others. I don't think I will ever have the writing skills of a Joe Speaker or Pauly, but I don't expect to. I am happy with who I am and what I write about and that is good enough for me.
What I have found at Paradise is the players are not that great at those levels, but it is hard to find a table that you can play big pots in. Usually if a table like that is available, there are 5+ people on the waiting list. Not goot. So, me thinks I'm going to head to another site for my limit play and see if I can't find some fishier waters with bigger pots. I did manage to take my $200 deposit and make it $350, and that includes the cost of $33 WPBT buy-in I paid for Iggy's WPBT tourney.

posted by TripJax @ 2:40 PM,
- At 12:28 PM, jjok said...
We had a bout with it last year with 2 kids going into the hospital for a couple of of the worst experiences.
Glad to hear she is doing better.
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