The Mookster
Thursday, April 13, 2006
The Mookster

I know this sounds ridiculous, but last night was another trip to the hospital for TripBaby. I would call the situation comical if it weren't putting her through a ton of pain and anguish, not to mention the stress it is putting on TripWifey.
I'm a "things are going to be fine" type of person so I'm not worried, but I am ready for this shit to be over with. Six visits to the doctor and 3 hospital visits in one week is enough for the little one. They've got to figure this shit out. Her birthday is on Easter and the birthday party is this Saturday, so I'm hoping things will be good to go by then. The roller coaster continues.
I was able to play in Mookie's tourney last night (live blogging here) and as usual had a great time. Always a ton of great chat at his events. I was a little perplexed on the hand I went out on and thought I would play it out here. I don't usually analyze hands in my posts, but I thought I would take a look at this one a little closer and try and figure out what we were all thinking.
With the blinds at 75/150, and getting close to the final table, I'm dealt 77 in the small blind. It folds around to Hoff on the button and he calls the BB. I push all-in with my remaining stack of approximately 2500. Rocco in the big blind has probably 3500 and thinks for a moment before calling my all-in. Hoff insta-calls his remaining stack which was less than mine, but I don't think by too much.
Rocco flips over A 10 offsuit, and Hoff flips over 2 2. Rocco hits a ten on the flop and may have even turned it into a straight by the end of the hand. Hoff and I were sent packing.
A few thoughts on the hand...
At the time I liked my play of pushing there in order to aggressively play for the pot which was around 400. Hoff showed weakness by just calling and if Rocco wakes up with a monster in the big blind then so be it.
If I'm in Rocco's seat, I think I fold A 10 there and look for a better spot. That is not a terrible hand to be the aggressor with in that situation, but to call off 2/3 of your stack with it is a little bit suspect since there are so many ways that hand could be dominated. As it were, he called himself into a coin flip and took down the pot. Das Poka.
As for Hoff, if I'm in his seat I'm thinking the only way I call is if I think the two players that have pushed all-in in front of me are sharing an Ace. Even then I'm in a coin flip against two opponents. I don't think any of us were in a situations where we had to be all-in, but the pot size might have looked to juicy for him to let the pair go. He was probably also looking to get busy livin' (chip up) or get busy dyin' (to the rail) since he had less chips than me and meant he needed to eventually make a move.
As for my thinking, at that point I am ramping up my aggression and in take down pots mode. Pots are quickly reaching 500 chips with blinds and callers and those are pots I want. With 77 and no raisers, I am looking to own those chips. I need to chip up in prep for the final table and that felt like as good a chance as any. I definitely didn't think there would be 3 of us all in there. Whoever takes down that pot is looking good for a final table run and Rocco took it down and later finished 3rd or 4th on a serious bad beat by DrewsPop. I missed seeing it live, but just reading about it hurt my crotch. Regardless, DrewsPop played a great game and impressively won the whole thing after getting heads up with Waffles. Nice job guys.
I hope Rocco or Hoff don't take the above as a negative critique. Like I said, I rarely play out hands in my posts, but occasionally I like to get a better understanding of the situation and figure out if I could have played it differently/better. My one thought is a raise to 500 probably would have been just as good as pushing, but I didn't really want to get into a confrontation with that hand. I wanted the chips in the middle with a strong aggression play.
Well, I've taken more time than I wanted too. Does anyone have any thoughts on the hand above? Thanks for reading…
posted by TripJax @ 11:25 AM,
- At 12:13 PM, jjok said...
I'm still reeling doubling you up with my A9 against your 55.......
Nothing wrong with a push in that situation. Questionable call by both your opponents, but who am I to critique.......
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