Monday, May 01, 2006
Ended up going out with the boys on Friday night for some alcamahol and good times. Steve banged a hottie and Todd smacked one down. LLOLLLOLL!!! Sorry, the Poker Champ in me came out for a split second. For the record, I don't have any friends named Steve or Todd, though I'm sure somewhere across the land a Steve did bang a hottie and a Todd did smack one down. As for me, it was actually a pretty laid back night filled with Budweiser and SoCo. Me likey.
When we got back to my place I had a serious poker itch I wanted to scratch so I fired up Full Tilt to see what was up. I know, poker and alcamahol don't mix, but I was only going to play a $5 something, so I wasn't going to sweat it. I don't know why, but I decided to enter a satellite to the 200k Guarantee on Sunday. Amazingly, though I had partaked in the spirits much of the night, my mind was crystal clear and focused on the task at hand. The only thing I felt I had against me was time...it was nearing 3:15am. WTF was I thinking?
I had a few thoughts in mind before I started playing. First, I wanted to stop worrying about the averages and how many players remain. This has been a weakness in my MTT play of late. Second, I wanted to stop worrying about the chip leaders stack size and how it compared to mine. I solely wanted to focus on the table I was playing and my chip stack as it relates to the blinds. I did this by closing out the Tournament Lobby and just played my hands. It was oddly surreal, but that may have been the SoCo.
To make a long story short, I played some rock steady poker, my favored hands held up, and before I knew it we were down to the final table. Once we got down to the final table I decided to look and see how many places paid so I could figure out a game plan. Top two received a $216 token to the 200k and 3 other places paid out. We finally got down to the final 3 and unfortunately I bubbled for the 200k token, but made some money for my effort. More importantly, I played exactly how I had hoped and built a little bit of confidence for my MTT game.
78 Players / 3rd Place
38 Players / 4th Place
74 Players / 4th Place
48 Players / 4th Place
Has anyone else seen that Ford Motors commercial "Beep-Beep", where the female lead singer and her band sing the most obnoxious song known to man? Does anyone else want to throw their remote at the TV when it comes on? I can't hit the mute button fast enough. My buddy said, though he has seen many bad commercials, it is the first one he has ever seen that deserves a complaint letter. I agree.
Follow-Up Thoughts From My Previous Post:
Looking back, I think Jordan's post really was insightful and I hate that it has somehow ruffled feathers. I also hate it has caused a bunch of bloggers, including myself, to feel the need to validate themselves and their blogs. I didn't even realize that's what I was doing until I re-read my last post. You know what, I care about this blog and I want people to read it.
Let us not forget, we are all a bunch of amateur fucking writers. We write about poker and other such nonsense. It is not a big deal, so don't make it one.
And to anyone who read Jordan's post, whether you agree with the A-Z List mumbo jumbo or not, don't tell me you did not at least think one of the following for a split second:
"I know I am an Insert Letter
"I wonder if others think I'm an Insert Letter
Whether you agree with the labeling or not, it is in our nature to validate ourselves, and when something like this comes up publicly, you naturally question where you fit. Then you either agree, disagree, or are impartial.
Wow, I didn't want that to come across negative, but after re-reading it, it sort of does. I'm not deleting it though. It's my blog. Insert fru-fru smiley face thingy here.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 10:56 AM,
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