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Thursday Bloody Thursday

Thursday Bloody Thursday

Uuuggghhh. Wednesday started out like any other day. I was still a bit under the weather and by the time I got home from work I knew I was down with the sickness. I figured I would be hitting the sack early to hopefully get some much needed rest. Life had other plans for me. Around 10pm it was clear things were not kosher with TripBaby. She's a week away from turning 1 years old and it was clear she too was coming down with the sickness, though much different from the way I was feeling.

She seemed very lethargic and her temperature was 103. By 11:30 she was on fire, in a real bad mood, and her temerature was 105.5. When she threw up in wifeys lap we knew it was time to do something. We called the on call nurse for our doctor and she said we needed to take her to the hospital since the fever was so high. It was creeping towards 106, and at one point when we checked it was 106.2, though I'm not sure if that reading was accurate.

Over the next 5 hours we spent our time in the hospital dealing with a very unhappy baby as she was poked, prodded, and pricked all over. It was brutal having to hold her down so the nurses could do this or that to her. At one point they had to put an IV in and her vein exploded so blood went all over the place. Once that was resolved they hooked her up to all these monitors to keep up with her vitals.

Around 4:00 am they finally told us she did not have any serious virus, but it was clear she had something. Yeah thanks, I wasn't sure. We were told to take her home and let her family doctor check on her again today. As they were removing the IV from her foot, I was holding her to comfort her and blood went all over my pants. I was wearing army pants at the time so when we walked out of the hospital I looked like I was coming from combat. Except for the Nike shoes and IZOD jacket.

In the end, we got home close to 5am and I was out of it. I was still stick, but TripBaby was the priority. Wifey took her to the doctor so I could try and sleep off my sickness. The docs think TripBaby has a blood infection so we are treating it as such. Poor baby has been through a lot since last night.

Sorry this post had no poker content, but poker has been the last thing on my mind since last night. I still wanted to get this out of my head though, so there you have it. Not sure if I'll be back tomorrow with a post. We'll see. Thanks for reading.

posted by TripJax @ 3:59 PM,


At 4:46 PM, Blogger Fat Dan said...

Trip -

I will be thinking of your baby tonight. Take care and may you and your family get healthy again.

Poker will still be around when your baby is all giggles again.


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