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No Cheats Last Night...Just A Bully

No Cheats Last Night...Just A Bully

I played a rare live game last night at a buddies house. Interestingly, it was the same buddy and house where I called out the Dirty Rat who was cheating like a punk in my last post. Check below in the prior post for details of that fun experience. Last night was much lighter fare. In fact, out of the 8 people playing, there were 3 extremely nice young women which was a first experience for me. Prior to that point, I'd never played with more than one female at a live game. It was a good time and they were pretty damn good players. To keep this relatively short, I'll hit a few of the highlights of the night...

I haven't updated my SNG numbers yet, but I plan to do that tonight (see SNG link above for details). I also plan to try and play a couple SNG's towards the Challenge with DNasty, GaryC, and Kipper but I think wifey and I are also gonna watch some "TiVo'd" shows that really need to be viewed and deleted. Hell we still have the last four episodes of 24 to many months ago was that?

If you're looking for about 2 hours worth of reading, head on over to Iggy's blog for his most recent uuuuuuuuuuber post. It may be a few weeks before he posts again so enjoy. Oh and Jordan...I know you miss playing at UB and I haven't opened a BoDog account yet, but I might soon so I'll be able to play with you again soon. Do you still have a Noble account open?

posted by TripJax @ 7:58 PM,


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