I'll Tell You What I Want, What I Really Really Want
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Take the Good Doctor, for instance. He recently asked the question, "If you could be a Spice Girl, which one would you be and why?" As for who, I confidently anoint Baby Spice as my Spice Girl of choice. As for why, simply put, she has capital knockers.
Singing careers rarely last long and fortune is often fleeting, but phenomenal boobies make the world go 'round. Men and women alike stare in bewilderment at a bodacious set of ta-ta's. Women wish they had them and men wish they had them in their hands. It's just a simple fact of life.
Sure, I could be Baby Spice for the fortune and fame, but the fun bags would be my bread and butter. No plans for the night? No problem. I'd have two hands and two juggs to keep me busy. Hot date tonight? Hawesome. Let the boobies begin the beguiling.
I'm a simple guy with a simple answer. I'll be Baby Spice and I won't think twice.
posted by TripJax @ 9:29 PM,
- At 11:05 AM, jremotigue said...
Sporty Spice!
Sporty Spice!
Sporty Spice! - At 5:06 PM, The Bracelet said...
Donkey Puncher WOULD be Sporty Spice, wouldn't he. He's such a fag.
Excellent choice with Baby Spice. As soon as I saw her picture that I used for my post it was over. - At 12:09 AM, DrChako said...
I was going to brag about my choice of Scary Spice, but when I saw your pic of Baby Spice, and THEN I read the word boobies...
Well, let's just say I spent too much time cleaning off the monitor to remember what it was I came here for.
Well done. - At 11:08 PM, Unknown said...
Didn't the red-haired one, Cherry Spice or whatever, have bigger boobs?
- At 8:00 AM, said...
Ginger SPice had the biggest top bollocks of them all but then she was a bit chubby. Now she's a skinny bint her norks have disappeared and been replaced by empty sacks.
It's baby all the way for me. the filthy little whore!
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