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No poker content today folks, so consider this your up front warning that this is a post about family and kids and all that fru fru stuff.

A friend of ChickJax's recently contacted her asking if it would be okay to take some pictures of KidJax and LilJax for his portfolio. He was formerly a photojournalist and worked in commercial photography, but was now trying to make a name for himself on his own. He's always been into photography and was now ready to take it to the next level. We jumped at the chance to have the kids pictures taken.

On Wednesday we met with him and he took a bajillion pictures of both of the kids. He brought his puppy along and they all had a great time while he was taking the pictures. He also took a couple of pictures of the whole family (minus the two cats, one hermit crab, one lizard and who knows how many fish) just for us to have. The picture within this post is my favorite. By the time he snapped that pic the kids and puppy were worn slap out.

More than 12 years ago he snapped this picture of ChickJax. If you haven't noticed I'm a big fan of my wife. She's pretty cool for a white girl. Some of you ghey bloggers have had the chance to talk on the phone or via the ghey girlie chat with her so you already know she's good people. However, the bulk of the ghey blogging contingent has yet to meet her.

She doesn't know it yet, but I'm seriously gonna try and work out both her and I making the December WPBT event. She couldn't care less about poker, but she's always been supportive of my hobby and my poker travels and I think she would have a great time in Vegas. She's not afraid to drop some coin on KENO and always gets along well with my friends, so I have high hopes in her wanting to come with me. Now I'll just have to figure out how to pay for a trip for two right before Christmas. D'oh!

So honey, if you happen to read this post, consider this my initial inquiry...

Until next time, may the felt be with you.

posted by TripJax @ 2:08 PM,


At 2:19 PM, Blogger Shelly said...

Adorable photo!

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Special K said...

Nice picture of the Mrs. So if your marriage was a poker tournament, who would you be?

If I weren't already the Chris Moneymaker of marriage, you might just be in the running. I am Chris because I'm the luck SOB that won the big prize that changed my life by getting insanely lucky at the right time. You appear to be a close second. :)

Have a good weekend.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Pseudo_Doctor said...

"pretty for a white girl" hahha...cute pictures though

At 12:49 PM, Blogger jusdealem said...

Your wife is gorgeous and your kids are adorable! Great pics :)

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Poker4peace said...

Great pics of the clan! ChickJax is a cover girl no doubt!! Would love to see more of your photographers friend's work!!


At 11:22 PM, Blogger kipper said...

nice pics...hook up that photo man of yours with a web site!

At 1:10 AM, Blogger jjok said...

awesome pic man....

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Wolverine Fan said...

You are blessed. You have a very beautiful family.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger 23skidoo said...

Great Pics J!


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