Is It Christmas?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Instead of letting the seat go to waste, he worked it out with Duplicate Poker such that Jordan could use the seat. J was already in Australia so it worked well. Once I realized what was going on, I started keeping up with the live updates on the event. To say the least, J was standing his ground and making some sick reads on people. As he navigated through the field, I tried keeping up as much as possible and was happy to see him continue to do so well.
As always, PokerNews and their dedicated team were on the case keeping up with the action and reporting back details as needed. Good lookin' out yo'z. Check out some of the great pictures here. Once they realized who Jordan was, they started giving him lots of photo love and even started listing him as "JL514" on the news reel. Gotta admit, this picture by Pauly, in his post here, is awesome stuff. Nice going fellas, that's good stuff.

I'd like to introduce you to my new favorite RSS feed, Is It Christmas?
I crack up every time the feed shows up in my Google Reader (once a day). Can't wait to see what happens in a few months. I have this sneaking feeling the word will magically change from two letters to three.

In The Hoy last night I went from above average to out in two hands. I did, however, use a move I love AND hate to use. This time, it didn't work out, but normally it does. It's not really something that comes up very often, and it's nothing unbelievably creative (I certainly didn't come up with it), but it's a good thing to have in your arsenal. It started with a hand where I'm pretty sure I overplayed JJ. With blinds at 200 there was a raise to 750. I reraised to 3000 leaving the player only a small amount behind. He pushed and I called leaving me with about 1500. He had QQ and though we both flopped a set, my hand was always behind and I lost.
On the very next hand I employed the play I love and hate to use. I love it because it is really deceiving, but I hate it because the only time I use it is when I've played a hand badly or been sucked out on. Either way, I've lost a chunk of chips. On the next hand I got AK in early to middle position and pushed all-in for my remaining 1500. I love this move for a couple of reasons.
First, everyone thinks I'm steaming/tilting and am just ready to get things over with. This will often result in a player calling off 1500 from their stack with a lesser hand that they might not normally play. Plenty of times I've seen a player who normally wouldn't go to battle with AT or AJ call a push from someone they believe is tilting off their chips. This makes for a great chance to capitalize on a rare situation, double back up and get right back in the thick of things.
Second, there is a very good chance I take down the 300 in blinds/antes right there and add 20% to my chipstack. Even if I'm called, the only hand I'm hoping I don't see is AA. Of course I'm hurting against KK, but almost anything else I stand a decent chance to take down the hand. If my opponent does wake up with AA or KK on that hand, well it is just unfortunate to run into QQ and AA/KK in two consecutive hands.
Of course, I'd much rather wake up with an absolute monster like AA or KK in my "reverse tilt" hand and still make the same move. In that moment, I'm not slowplaying that hand or even raising 3 times the blind. It just looks stinky to do that. I'd much rather look tilty and stuff my chips in the middle. I almost always get a call and double up there or take down the blinds. As for last night, I was ready and willing to make that move again with AK. As it turns out, I lost to a pocket pair (can't remember what it was) and I was out. I don't regret my decision at all and wasn't steaming even for a moment at any point.

I'm pretty sure I just wrote about poker - nothing new or mind blowing mind you - but I wrote about poker, so I'm going to stop before my head explodes.
Tonight is smokkee's bodonkery and tomorrow is more BBTwo action at The Moooooooooooooooooook. Be there blog dammit!
Until next time, may the felt be with you.
posted by TripJax @ 1:30 PM,
1 comment,
A Cavalcade Of Foolery
Friday, October 26, 2007

Lets start with something simple. I've been pondering of late, if I could eliminate one particular current rock band from existence, which one would it be? I'm not saying the band members need to die a horrible, slow death mind you. I would just like the ability to go back in time and change a simple part of their lives, which would in turn cause them to not start the band. Say instead of a kid getting a guitar for Christmas, I would make sure he gets a clarinet, or something like that.
After some thought, I've decided my choice would be Nickelback. There is nary one song I find even slightly digestible from what I've heard, yet they are played every 1.2 seconds on the radio. It's all rather nauseating to me.
So I ask two questions. First, If you like Nickelback, please tell me how and why? Second, who would be your band/singer of choice?

In my first year of poker blogging, I received a comment from a fellow online poker player who noted we lived in the same city. Always cool to find other folks interested in poker that are nearby. Occasionally we would see each other at the tables and briefly chat. I hadn't chatted with him in ages, but just recently received an email from him the other day.
It turns out he had seen the name Jax in his daughters school classroom and was trying to figure out where he had heard that name. He then saw a picture of Jax in the classroom and again was trying to figure out how he knew that kid. He ended up putting 2 and 2 together and to find that his daughter and my son are in the same class. Small world indeed.
So J.S., if you are reading this, I forgot to mention in my email to you, but we should try and get a home game going sometime. Nothing fancy, just cards, beer, sports on the tube, etc. Let me know if you are interested...

Two days ago a local news channel came by to interview ChickJax , but she declined to be on camera. She did answer some questions off camera and the crew ended up taking some shots of toys in our yard as filler for the news story. They did finally interview one of our neighbors down the street. We watched the news last night and sure enough, there was the boys big wheel. They zoomed in real close 'cause our yard is pretty horrific. We're in a severe drought right now and that is just a great excuse for the condition of my yard. I'll leave it at that.
I kid you not, if I ever see that pervert parked on my street again, his car and my Louisville Slugger will become acquainted. Sick fuck.

Prior to the party last year, which was/is in a large facility deep in the woods, I got permission from the host to show up early and hang wanted posters throughout the building. I then showed up fashionably late and the buzz quickly began that some dude that just showed up is on posters in the building. I should add the building is normally some kind of police or fire department social hall when not being rented out, so not too far fetched that a wanted poster would be there.
The bulk of folks realized it was all part of the Halloween gag, but I'll never forget one dude who fell for the whole bit, hook, line and sinker. He came up to me and said, "Dude, do you know there is a wanted poster of you up in the bathroom? I swear man, you might want to get out of here quick." One to oblige, I quickly darted out of the building towards the parking lot. It was a damn goot time.
This year, the host has asked for a themed affair, with all attendees coming to the party in their best Undead costume. I've decided to go as an Undead Homeless Man. Lets be honest, when zombies start hitting the streets, who are the first people that will be taken down? That's right, the bum sleeping under the newspapers on the street. So it stands to reason that there should be at least one undead bum at the party.
Current accessories to my outfit are a sign around my neck on cardboard that reads, "Will Eat Your Brains For Food" as well as a brown bag for my tasty beverage. I'll be heading to Goodwill for some cheap nasty clothes tomorrow morning to complete the look. I'm hoping ChickJax's sister will hook me up with some make-up artistry as she's good at that shit. If the outfit is a success, I'll take pictures accordingly.
Well that's it for today. See you at the tables folks.
Until next time, may the felt be with you.
posted by TripJax @ 5:53 PM,
The Mookie Missed
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I didn't play one single hand in The Mookie last night. I still managed to finish in 59th place (my favorite number by the way) out of a total - and unbelievable I might add - 112 players.
I flew to New Jersey Tuesday night for a job interview within my company on Wednesday morning and fully expected to be home way, way in time for the tournament start. My flight was at 3pm so I should have been back home by 5pm. When I got to the airport the 3pm flight was cancelled, so they put me on the 5pm flight. With nothing better to do, I started drinking heavily and then found out the 5pm flight was cancelled.
The drinks continued to flow around the time I realized I could use my Blackberry to keep up with my flight status instead of walking through the terminal constantly. The 8pm flight didn't get cancelled, but we didn't start boarding until after 9:30pm. I ended up getting home around 11:45pm, just in time to see I had blinded out. The all day beer drinking was fun though, even though I was by myself. Always interesting to people watch in a busy, busy airport.
Here's an interesting thought about the tournament last night. Had we still been on the 50% of players receive points system, I would have been close to receiving points having not played one single hand. That right there tells me that the 25% point system makes more sense. I'm bummed I didn't get a chance to make some scratch last night, but I'm cool with it as well. I'll get my chance at the Riverchasers tonight. Wanna join me? Just check out my previous post or this graphic for details.
Also, go check out the updated BBTwo points. I'm still top 10 in points and 2nd in money earnings. Not too shabby! On a side note, congrats to the wee one for an impressive win last night. I haven't checked, but I'm guessing the reason he won is he stole a few key dead blinds from me at a crucial point. Yeah, erm, that's it.
Sorry for the previous paid post. I always feel a little dirty doing those things, but I can use the extra scratch here and there.
Until next time, may the felt be with you.
posted by TripJax @ 6:18 PM,
Rummy Royal
I remember playing Gin Rummy as a child all the way up until I left for college. I can't say I remember much about it these days, but I'm sure it wouldn't take long for me to get the hang of it again. Like me, if you used to play Gin Rummy, but haven't played it in a while, now is your chance. Not only that, but you can play it online...for cash!
So here's the deal, RummyRoyal is a new site offering traditional Gin Rummy and other Rummy games. Just like most poker sites, they have the play money tables, but you can also drop some cash into your account, hoist your cajones up onto the table, and play for real money like the big boys.
It looks as though they also offer games of Kalooki and Oklahoma. Can't say I know what the heck those games are, but luckily for you and I they have a tutorial section to teach you how to play. They even boast you can "learn to play in two minutes." Just check out their demo page for more info on the games.
I've yet to open a Rummy Royal account, but I might give it a chance at some point. If you want to learn more about the company, check out this page.
That is all.
The preceding was a paid review.
posted by TripJax @ 3:53 AM,
1 comment,
BBTwo This Week: Lets Light This Candle
Monday, October 22, 2007
Last night got the BBTwo ball rolling and things continue tonight, Wednesday and Thursday. I've signed in to them all for this week. Why don't you join me? Everything you need to know including passwords is in the graphic below...

posted by TripJax @ 10:04 PM,
No comment,
So Close

I then played like a Grade A Vagina the first 90 minutes of the tourney. I let others dictate my play and quickly found myself chipped down to below 2000. I felt like I hadn't played a single hand and I was already near the bottom of the pack. My big hands weren't seeing a flop and my hands that really want to see a flop were bricking on the board. After what felt like ages, I got myself deep into a hand where I lucksacked my way into a ton of chips with a magical turn and river that gave me a straight over the set of Surflexus and TPTK of cracknaces (didn't even realize he had ANOTHER blog until last night). The hand played out strangely, but the end result was I was one lucky mofo.
A couple minutes after that play I got up during the tournament, went to the bathroom to take a wiz, and pretty much slapped myself in the face. I needed a wake up call...and fast. I told myself to quit playing like a tard, trust my reads, and just let things happen as they will. From there I felt in control of my game and I rode that confidence to the final table.
From there I made it heads-up with a commanding chiplead and felt like I was going to win the tournament. I can't remember how many times I had jeciimd on the ropes, but no matter what I did, the board proceeded to hate on me. I was getting my just dues from my early lucksacking I guess. The big hand that really sucker punched me was my AA vs. KK where he flopped a set and subsequently did me in. Only a few hands later my run was over. Guess I'll have to stamp my ticket to the T.O.C. at another BBTwo tourney.
Regardless, my last two Big Games are a 1st and 2nd place finish...
Invested: $150
Payout: $2,068
On a side note, this is good stuff. For the record, Goat, I had the chips and had a good feeling so I went with it. I could not be knocked out of the tourney on the play and felt like I could really chip up aginst someone with a small pair or medium suited connectors willing to battle. I knew it was a risk, but I'm willing to take those late in the game in order to chip-up to make a run for a win. Unlike some thought, I hadn't limped, but rather pot bet. At that point, once you pushed it was only 9k more for me to call into a 20k pot when I had +$40k behind (numbers not exact, but you get the idea). Also, I can see your hole cards as well as the FFF-T-R before it comes out, so that helps.
Until next time, may the felt be with you.
First, I forgot to link jeciimd above, so I wanted to fix that. Second, I want to add that jeciimd played quite well at the final table and played a good heads-up game too. He was very patient heads-up, made good moves at the right time and was willing to push at seemingly the right times every time. He probably didn't know it, but he played right into what I consider a strength of mine I think, which is playing small ball heads-up poker. Still, he managed to take me down with a few timely cards, all-ins and good choices. I don't want my comments above to take away from his nice win. Congrats in silencing the critics man! Now start blogging again blog damnit!
posted by TripJax @ 1:04 PM,
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Friday, October 19, 2007
I'm playing in the first installment of the BBTwo series on Sunday at the Blogger Big Game. Won't you be my the tables?