Guard Your Cornhole!
Monday, June 09, 2008
I completely forgot about the freeroll yesterday, but I had good reason. I was building one of these with my buddies...

With the deck pretty much complete and landscaping of the backyard coming soon, it made sense to focus our immediate attention on a cornhole set.
Oh hells yeah. Damn that's gonna be fun this summer. For those that don't know what cornhole is, check it.

Now that the BBThree is officially over (congrats to those who brought home the bacon), I was thinking about having another one of these. I'll see if I can get something together quick. Sweet...I qualified this as a poker post.

Today is the big iphone 2.0 announcement and I'm hoping for some good news. I've been wanting one of those bad boys for some time now and with my current carrier, Alltel, being bought out by Verizon, now is as good a time as any to make a change. If you are lame like me and want to keep up with the Apple conference to hear all the up-to-minute news, check out the live blogs here (starting around 1pm EST). I swear I'm not a fanboy - I don't even own a Mac - I just really want an iphone...
That's it for me today. I'm hopefully back to some semi-regular blogging after some really slow down time. Lataz,
Until next time, may the felt be with you.
posted by TripJax @ 10:30 AM,
- At 11:11 AM, OhCaptain said...
I love my iPhone. I'm anxiously awaiting the keynote myself. If the stars align, I will have a generation one iPhone for sale in just a few hours.
Congrats on the deck and the backyard fun! My deck is done, but my backyard needs lots of love. Thankfully, it won't stop raining here. - At 12:23 PM, Ingoal said...
Well, what can I say: I <3 my iPhone as well...although it will feel "old" soon...but oh well, I'm not sure I'm going 2.0 right away...depending on what's the "big difference" ;-)
- At 2:52 PM, OhCaptain said...
From Gizmodo a couple of minutes ago!!!
That’s it for the fourth problem. How about “more affordable?” An 8GB iPhone started at $599, went to $399, and now is going to sell at $199. (Steve makes a BOOM sound not with his mouth, but with the video). The 8GB model is going to be $199, 16GB will be $299. There’s also going to be a white model. WHITE.
WITH GPS and 3G...OMG! OMG! OMG! - At 4:10 PM, BrainMc said...
I thought the iPhone only worked with AT&T. Is it going to be different for the new version?
- At 4:17 PM, TripJax said...
No, it is at&t. I am switching...
- At 4:27 AM, Renee said...
Just bought one of the iphones too!! Looks like everyone is switching up. Too bad about the tourney miss, but the bean bag fun looks great. Enjoy your summer!
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