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Underdogs Unite!

On Wednesday night I was playing around on the Bodog sports betting website and noticed they had the Celtics as a 7 1/2 point underdog against the Lakers for Thursday nights game. I pretty much suck at your every day sports betting, which is why I avoid it for the most part (other than the football pool I've been in for many, many years). But something jumped out at me about that line. Did they really think the Celctics were a 7 1/2 underdog?

I am a sucker for the underdog, which is probably why I suck at sports betting. I see a longshot underdog and I am all over it. I am a perfect example of why other people make money on sports betting. But for once I saw an underdog bet that didn't feel much like a longshot; it just made sense. Sure the Lakers were fresh off a win at home and were playing again at home, but it's not like it was a very convincing win. And the Celtics have pretty much pwned the Lakers this year save for that last game. So what was I missing? I decided to drop some dorra dorra birrs y'arr.

Having already watched the Cubs mount a come back and win earlier in the day to sweep the Braves, I was already in good spirits as I settled on the couch for the Celtics/Lakers game last night. I also had a few spirits of the liquid kind in me, which didn't hurt my mood. It didn't take long for things to change though. In what felt like a flash, the Celtics were down 20 points. I cursed my luck at sports betting, but then decided not to let it get to me.

I've come to the realization that, even when you have money on a game, you just gotta sit back and enjoy the show, regardless of the outcome. In other words, if you have so much money on a game that you let it effect you, then that's too much money to be putting on the line. I didn't have too much money on the line, so I just decided to sit back and let the balls fall as they may.

Then I passed ass out.

The last thing I remember was the 1st quarter ending and the Celtics being down by at least 20 points. I guess part of me knew it was okay to fall asleep and just let it go. Let that money float away into space. Talk about coming to terms with your decisions way too quickly.

When I awoke on the couch it was 1:00 a.m. and I had a monkey on my back. That's not a euphemism folks. Apparently boy had come in the living room at some point and thought it would be funny to put one of his huge stuffed animals on me while I was sleeping. At first it scared the shit out of me, but I soon got a chuckle out of the boys shenanigans.

I decided not to stay up and see who won the game as I was pretty much still out of it. I headed straight for bed without worrying about the game or the money. When I awoke this morning I went through my normal routine of breakfast with my good friend Sportscenter. As I stuffed eggs down my throat, I just about choked up when I saw the Celtics had won by 6 points. I later found out they were down as many as 24 points before making the come back to win by 6.

Sweet Lincoln's mullet you gotta love the NBA. I almost never watch the NBA, but it seems like whenever I do there are major swings in the games. This game was no different. I only wish I could have stayed awake long enough to watch it play out.

I can't believe I just wrote an entire post about one measely sports bet. I can't believe you just read an entire post about one measely sports bet.


Until next time, may the felt be with you.

posted by TripJax @ 9:43 AM,


At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:Apparently boy had come in the living room at some point and thought it would be funny to put one of his huge stuffed animals on me while I was sleeping. At first it scared the shit out of me, but I soon got a chuckle out of the boys shenanigans."

The mental picture of that quote has kept me laughing my ass off for the past five minutes.

Also, I can't believe I read that entire post about a one measly sports bet either...

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Fuel55 said...

You are poker champ.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger BrainMc said...

I did not read the entire post, TYVM. I bailed when you were happy my Braves lost. Ok, I really did read the whole thing. Happy now?


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