Wednesday, May 31, 2006
In all seriousness, as much as he has learned from me, I have learned from him. He is my insipartion in so many aspects of my life. Tomorrow Jax graduates from Pre-K. He is my little buddy, but he is growing up fast. I don't think I could be more proud of him right now.
In August he starts elementary school, which is bringing TripWife near tears. I'm happy for him, but I know she can't bear to see him grow up. Like those NationWide commercials, she better not blink cause it's gonna happen fast. Rock on Jaxon.
2) When PokerStars announced their next freeroll I was pumped, until I saw the date. June 18th is TripWife's birthday. I mentioned how I was just going to have to miss out on the tourney and she immediately told me I should play. She said we should just go out June 17th to party so the 18th should be pretty wide open for a little PokerStars action. How cool is that?!
3) Finally, she's smokin' hot.
Nuff said.
I had planned on spitting out a Blogger Spotlight as well as a Poker Sites Take Notice this week, but those will just have to come when my heads in the game. Right now it just isn't. Other than a few tokens at FullTilt, I really don't have much money on any sites as I've cashed out in prep for Okie-Vegas. I can't wait to hit some live casinos next week. G, I'm coming soon!
Well, that's it for me folks. Thanks for reading! I'll probably be back to write Thursday or Friday.
posted by TripJax @ 3:01 AM,
Flight Of One Crazy Ass Asian Mofo or "Everyone Completes The Questions..."
Friday, May 26, 2006
Flight Of One Crazy Ass Asian Mofo or "Everyone Completes The Questions..."
Not sure where this post is headed, but lets get started shall we? I haven't pimped the upcoming DADI 6 recently so here it is. To keep things fresh we've switched it up this month to Pot Limit Hold'em. Details are in the picture to the left.
When we decided on the date, we didn't realize we were scheduling it on Memorial Day (night), so hopefully that won't be much of a problem for you all.
I figure most people will be in detox mode at that point and ready to just slump next to the computer and use a stick to click the keys, thus not expending too much energy. Or is that just me? No matter what, we hope to see you there.
Next up in the congratulatory line is hoyazo, who is absolutely burning it up these days. Last night he WON the 40k on Party for a cool $10k. I implore you to head on over to his blog and give him a virtual pat on the butt.
Please go check it out here, but let me just throw out a few of my favorite lines below. I believe I laughed out loud at least 7 times while reading the post. That's good stuff.
12. What satisfies you more, your aces holding up for a big pot or a bluff working for a big pot
Strange as it sounds, I refuse to play Aces. I used to play them all the time, with varying degrees of success, but then I started reading poker blogs and have since become convinced that they are biblically cursed to a fate worse than cracking. However, waste not want not, and in that spirit I invented The Iak (pronounced Ike) which is to muck your Aces face up, while smiling and noting, "Don't need 'em...". Can't overstate how badly this really fucks people's shit up. The chatbox is reeling for a good 5 hands after it happens. Yes, on its face the move itself seems -EV, but I would refer you to the Hoy as another example of a truly can't lose mindfuck. What hand, after all would you put someone on who reraises you your whole stack, if the same villain is willing to muck AA? What hand indeed, my friends, what hand indeed...I take a similar tack with bluffing and announce to the table, "I am going to reraise on a bluff for villain's entire stack". Those exact words, every single time I bluff. If you thought villain was having a rough time speaking my language before, a couple rounds of this kind of rope-a-dope and he's crying for mommeee.Yeah, it usually costs me a couple of buy-ins to really pull these off, but its all about Table image baby. Table Image.
11. Who was your first poker blog read?
Tao of Poker - and on that note, has anyone noticed that the website and the book are radically different? One's full of whores, pimps, drugs and violence - often all on the same page. Now that's how you teach someone poker! The other is a square-shaped book [see above for further clarification] written by a guy we need to get laid. Seriously. It's the right thing to do. Before he tells us how 'her' breasts felt like sandbags.
17. If you had to pin it down to one specific trait, what does a great poker player have (or do) that separates them from an average player?
Great question. The one uniform trait I see, and I mean speaking top to bottom of the world's very best is that they (to paraphrase Cliff Clavin) are not me. Nor are any of them in my kitchen. Who says Final Jeopardy is hard?
And last but not least, his thoughts on my requesting he answer the questions.
Alright, per specific personal request from JJJ himself*.
*He was drunk, naturally - quite a mean drunk too most would agree - and was threateningly waving a machete of some foreign make. I asked as to my offense, and he replied, "Once more into the breach, dear friend..." To which I replied, "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun..." Well he cut off my left nut right there with one swell foop. And as I lay dying, through the sound and fury I heard him whisper, "Everyone completes the Questions..." before he stole away into the murderous dark. Yes it happened just like that, shortly after last week's Mookie.
All I can say is that is one crazy ass asian mofo. Good stuff.
I know this is a serious weakness in my game I need to fix if I'm ever going to grow as a poker playah.
I really liked my title. Glad you guys noticed.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 1:09 PM,
Bubble Entendre
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Bubble Entendre
Last night I played one game, The Mookie, and had a good ole time in the process. The final result is probably a given if you read the title of the post ( I bubbled going out 6th out of 42 with 5 places paying), but das pokah baby. I had a few cards drop my way just to get that far, but I feel like I played a pretty good game in the process. Early on I got into a SB vs. BB hand with smokkee where we both had K with a stinky kicker, but my kicker was a tad more funky than his(his K8 vs my K6). Unfortunately for smokkee I was suited and the turn and river brought my suit to help me and cripple him.
That hand got me above average and helped me set a decent pace. Not long after I flopped the nut flush and took all the chips from a K high flopped flush. He was low on chips so I didn't chip too high on that one. Other than that, I don't recall too many hands. The only monster I recall was AA and everyone folded to my raise. When we got down to the bubble, I was either last or next to last in chips when DrewsPop got it all in against SirWaffles who was the chip leader. Pop was dominated AK vs. AT, but hit his Ten on the river to stay alive.
After all the hands that were played during the tournament, it is wild how one hand - and even one card - that I was not involved in proved to be a factor in me cashing or bubbling. I would like to think we all play the game with a resolve to put ourselves in a position to cash and/or win any tournament we play. Sometimes, however, there are mitigating circumstances that you cannot control that end up making the difference in a perceived success or a gut punch disappointment. Last night was neither a success or a disappointment as it was not enough money to worry about, plus I was happy to see Pop do well as he is my buddy.
Poker is a wild game. Every turn of the card can make you or break you, sometimes when you are not even in the hand or at the same table. It can be the most frustrating at times, but truly makes this game an adventure to play.
Mookie, I really enjoy your tournament and I think Gilain is right, for me it is the closest thing to a home game on the virtual felt. And keep on live blogging them each week as I enjoy reading the action during the tournament or the recap the next day to see what I missed at the other tables. I'm sure I'm not alone in that respect.
Like it or not, I want to be that guy finding the spots to take inferior hands and stack the monsters with them. Monsters only come so often and sometimes even when they do come - even when you play each street correctly - you still get spanked with them at times. I don't want to be the guy waiting around all day for a monster. I want to play my hands correctly and take calculated but correct risks. When the monsters come...awesome...when they don't...make the game work for you in the interim.
Many poker books preach the way of the aggressive player, and other avenues have given us a framework to find successful ways to break the tight players bank. Abdul comes to mind, but what I've read from him is based on limit games. Lately Waffles has been pimping Fluxer like he is the next coming, but I gotta tell ya, the more and more I read the more I'm interested to hear what they both (and others) have to say. At first I was pretty tired of Waffles seemingly over doing it, but after a while I liked hearing the way they think about the game and how they put the non traditional plays into perspective. Not saying it is right or the way, but it is great to get it out there to discuss.
I don't even play enough NL cash games to enter the arena of thought on putting yourself in a position to destroy the field over the long haul, but I hope to get there someday and reading fellow poker bloggers will help me get there.
A big thank you to the commenters who helped me feel a little better about this here blog. When you write nearly every day of the week it is inevitable that you will eventually be at a loss for words. I just have to learn that, though I should strive to blog everyday, sometimes I just have to do something else and let life happen. Usualy when you do that the material will write itself. It's just a friggin' blog, but I want to enjoy it and I have so far and plan to going forward. This is the longest I've ever stuck to writing anything, so every day is a new record for me.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 11:27 AM,
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
It seems there just isn't anything remotely interesting going on in TripJaxville as far as poker goes. At work I am being absolutely bombarded with, erm, work. We just hired a Financial Advisor from a top competitor so that is keeping me busy, not to mention my typical work routine that has a tendency to get in the way when "more important" stuff crops up. I know, however, you are not here to read about my work, so I'll move on. Let's just leave it at posting at work has been pretty much impossible lately.
At home things are pretty much the same. By the time I get home I'm whooped and there is always something else to do. Lately I've had absolutely no desire (nor time) to put any legitimate blogging time in at home. My sole free/down time goes towards banging away at the virtual felt. As of late I've been pretty much break even, except for my continued success at the token SNG's on Full Tilt. I've yet to play an MTT, but those tokens are burning a hole in my account at Full Tilt so I've got to use them soon.
All the above pretty much makes for a bad blogger. For the past year I've tried to post every week day, but that is going to be pretty tough here for a few weeks. I'll do my best to post every day, but at least you will know why if you don't see me update daily.
With the blinds at 10/20, I wasn't raising to 50 or 60 or even 75, I was raising to a minimum of 150, but usually more. And as the blinds increased, my bets increased. Playing this style afforded me the chance to really keep players off balance. When I hit the board hard with a crap hand early, I was able to show down my craptastic winner. This caused a few more players to play back at me, but I was still able to control the pace with my betting. When I hit I bet. When I missed I bet. When I had monsters I bet. Bet Bet Bet. I bet the players into the ground. And interestingly, this made it really easy to tell when I was beat. If I was played back at after putting a big raise out there - and with my big stack - I knew where I stood. They on the other hand, could never figure me out.
I won both SNG's.
I'm not saying this is the way to play all the time, or even a profitable avenue, but it was sure neat to control the action and make such huge bets. I am already pretty aggressive at the tables and tend to help determine the pace of the game, but playing this extremely aggressive strong betting style was a rather fun time.
Yeah, that post sucked to. I need to get my head out of my ass.
In the bum news department, we have another Okie-Vegas casualty. After Kip, DNasty and Jordan dropped, I was sure we would maintain the rest of the crew, but oh well. That really sucks as I was looking forward to meeting Surf and his buddy. I'm only giving you a hard time Surf cause I really was stoked about you guys being there. That and I'm trying to guilt you back into the mix. Color me bummed. SteelerJosh, don't you dare drop!
For everyone else, if you are on the fence about coming to OV, jump on the fun side and get your bootay there. We'll be Casino poking, home game poking, lake tripping, bbqing, and much more. Good times, people, good times.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 11:46 AM,
Token Post
Friday, May 19, 2006
Token Post
One cool thing is I even got an email from a non-brogger who reads my stuff and just wanted to offer his two cents. Thanks again for doing that EF. What was originally an attempt to fill some space on this here brog ended up filling some space else where. There I go clogging up the internet, one post at a time.
As for the token SNG's, I've been nailing those things. Since they started offering the $6 +$.60, six player SNG's, I've been all over them like Al on a double shot of SoCo. I cashed out the bulk of my Full Tilt roll last week and with the $50 I had remaining, I quickly won 3 tokens with three 1st and one 2nd in 5 attempts. Mmmm, that smells good.
I've decided to build up as many tokens as possible and then make sure I only use them when my head is in the game and I know I have the time. No jumping into an MTT at 10pm on a weekday when the baby isn't feeling well and there is a show I want to watch as well. Focus is my friend.
Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures of my finishes here in the near future. I could sure use the bankroll boost.
Unfortunately GCox bubbled when I was hoping we could battle it out for 1st place. I always hate seeing fellow broggers get knocked out when I am in the game too, especially on the bubble. However, das poker, and I'm in that same position more than I would like to recall. I did try and drop the hammer, but GCox woke up with Aces and would have sucked out on me had I not made a rare fold with my monster after his hefty raise. Next time I vow to push all-in with my monster if I sense he is holding an inferior hand like that.
Meek had a good idea to pick my favorite answer for each question and post. If I can find all the entries and the time to put it together, I'll do that next week. Good call meek.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 1:45 PM,
The Answers
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Answers
No, I'm not talking about Allen Iverson, I'm just talking about the answers to my questions yesterday. First,
As I noted, the idea hit me because I couldn't think of anything else to write about, but when I started seeing broggers answer the questions on their brog it put a smile on my face. That was very cool of you guys to do that. If anything, I gave you something to write about eh?!
And now, my craptastic answers:
1. What is the biggest mistake people make at a NL table?
Calling off their money with mediocre hands.
2. What is the biggest mistake people make at a Limit table?
3. Why do you play poker?
It is one of the few hobbies that I enjoy in which I can make money. Plenty of hobbies end up costing money (including poker), but not many hobbies offer the chance to make money back.
4. If you weren't playing poker, what would you be doing?
Watching more nonsense on TV or reading.
5. What is your favorite poker book and why?
I rather enjoyed Positively Fifth Street
6. Who is your favorite poker player and why?
Phil Ivey. Bad ass.
7. Which poker player do you dislike the most and why?
The one that calls my bluff.
8. Do your coworkers know about your blog?
Only one, but I don't think he remembers the address and he is a poker player too. I'm not too concerned, but occasionally I worry big brother might not like what I'm doing here, even though it has zero to do with my profession.
9. What is the most you have won in a cash game or MTT (both live and online)?
Cash game: Live $75, Online $100+
MTT: Live $900, Online $250
10. What is the most you have lost in a cash game or in one day total (both live and online)?
11. Who was your first poker blog read?
12. What satisfies you more, your aces holding up for a big pot or a bluff working for a big pot?
Me likey the bluff win.
13. Why do you blog?
Then: To see what it would be like to actually keep a journal of my thoughts on a particular subject.
Now: The friendships I have made with people who share the same interest. Without the friendships I have made I would have been long gone.
14. Do you read blogs from an RSS reader like bloglines or do you visit each blog?
Mainly bloglines, though I regularly visit the actual sites to comment.
15. Would you rather play poker for a living than do what you currently do for a living?
Yes, if I could be successful and if I could better my families life in the process.
16. Do you wear a tin foil hat on occasion?
Yes, and I'm thinking about buying stock in a tin foil company.
17. If you had to pin it down to one specific trait, what does a great poker player have (or do) that separates them from an average player?
Making the right decision regardless of the money at risk.
18. Is Drizz the coolest person on the planet for naming his baby Vegas?
19. What is your primary poker goal and are you close to accomplishing it?
Make money and pay for our family vacation every year. 3 for 3 so far.
20. What is your primary online site and why?
Stars because they have the traffic, the software, the customer service, and the desire to constantly improve. Also, I can create private tournaments which is nice. Me likey Full Tilt too for the same reasons, though there traffic is not as huge as Stars.
21. What site do you dislike and why?
Party is on my shit list right now. They need to go ahead and give me $75 free so I can decide if I like them again or not.
Once again, thanks to everyone who answered the questions. I appreciate it.
posted by TripJax @ 1:51 PM,
Dude, WTF?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Dude, WTF?
I know I'm not alone in the blogosphere when I say sometimes I just don't have shizzy to write about. That said, the little wtf? moment gave me an idea. Well, mainly the question mark gave me an idea. Why don't I throw some questions out there and let my dear readers answer any and all that they please in the comments.
To save on time and space when commenting, just put the number you are answering and, erm, your answer.
Some folks have mentioned answering the questions on their blog. That would be cool too...
Lets light this candle.
1. What is the biggest mistake people make at a NL table?
2. What is the biggest mistake people make at a Limit table?
3. Why do you play poker?
4. If you weren't playing poker, what would you be doing?
5. What is your favorite poker book and why?
6. Who is your favorite poker player and why?
7. Which poker player do you dislike the most and why?
8. Do your coworkers know about your blog?
9. What is the most you have won in a cash game or MTT (both live and online)?
10. What is the most you have lost in a cash game or in one day total (both live and online)?
11. Who was your first poker blog read?
12. What satisfies you more, your aces holding up for a big pot or a bluff working for a big pot?
13. Why do you blog?
14. Do you read blogs from an RSS reader like bloglines or do you visit each blog?
15. Would you rather play poker for a living than do what you currently do for a living?
16. Do you wear a tin foil hat on occasion?
17. If you had to pin it down to one specific trait, what does a great poker player have (or do) that separates them from an average player?
18. Is Drizz the coolest person on the planet for naming his baby Vegas?
19. What is your primary poker goal and are you close to accomplishing it?
20. What is your primary online site and why?
21. What site do you dislike and why?
That's going to have to do it for me. I think I will give my answers in my post tomorrow. Most of the questions are pretty lame, but I'm just having a turd moment in the ole noggin' so you'll have to forgive me.
I also think I need to write about what I linked in number 8 on my next post. This whole blog thing and work can get hairy and I hate the way things have turned for Bob. It's bullshit, but I'll delve deeper later.
Before DADI makes an appearance at the end of this month, don't forget that the WPBT has an upcoming tournament this Sunday. Make that tournaments.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 11:26 AM,
Go Ahead, Try Some
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Go Ahead, Try Some
Yeah, we've been pimping it, and I sort of forgot to set it up. However, fret not dear readers as I've remedied that shit hella quick. As you can see below, I've signed up and I hope you do too.
Go Ahead, Try Some.
posted by TripJax @ 5:08 PM,
Great Odin's Raven...
Monday, May 15, 2006
Great Odin's Raven...
To be honest, there were a couple of times I could have snuck on a computer and dropped a quick post, but I just didn't have it in me. Something about being out of town puts me in a different zone...a zone where I can't form rational thoughts or complete sentences. See, I'm back in town and that last sentence still sucked.
I've got my work cut out for me in this post.
With Mrs. Falstaff taking most of our money, I found myself down pretty much the whole night. I only ended up making money on the night due to the very last hand. We were playing .25/.50 NL and I bought in for $50, but was down to just under $30 when I raised it up to 2.50 with 8 9 offsuit. I had been playing rather loose most of the night and raising with just about anything. The only other non Falstaff at the game, Dan, called my raise. The flop came down 9 8 9 giving me a flopped full house. Dan threw out a $5 bet and I called. The turn was the case 9 giving me quads. To my surprise, Dan announced all-in and I sheepishly flipped over my quads and called. It felt good to have quads and take down the hand, but I knew I had probably just ended the night for us all. After Dan said he was out I knew it was time to quit the game and just spend a little time with the Falstaff's talking it up over some beers.
Midway through the game we received a call from Daddy and dial-a-shots were discussed. Unfortunately, he had no liquor in site so we settled on a dial-a-beer. It's always nice to partake in a dial-a-insert alcohol beverage here with fellow broggers. I had a great time with the Falstaff's and want to send out a hearty thanks for the hospitality.
I have already begun a new SNG Challenge with the remaining money I have in my poker accounts and I'm looking forward to seeing if I can really work through it this time. My biggest obstacle in the past has not been poor performance, but lack of focus on the task at hand. With so many bonus offers out there and so many blogger events going on, it is easy to fill my limited poker playing time with sessions that aren't exactly on the list of things to do. Hopefully this cash out will force me to focus on the task at hand a little bit better. We'll see.
One cool thing that did come from the tournament is I found a cool option for a card protector. I had forgotten to grab my trusty donkey card protector given to me by mookie and was scrambling for something to use. I had recently purchased some Altoids breath strips and they did the trick quite nicely. The metal tin is small, but the perfect size for covering your cards. On top of that, whenever you need to freshen the breath they are readily available.
I found anytime I took a tough beat or misplayed a hand, I would take a breath strip which seemed to calm me down and turn my focus away from the result of the hand and back to the play at hand. It helped me move on. It only cost me $100 (in losses that night) to find a $.99 card protector. The donkey protector will still be my primary choice, but it is nice to have a back-up.
Follow-Up Thoughts From My Previous Post:
As I suspected, 31 is pretty much a non event. Thankfully, no one sang to me at work, but I did have a great time with the family. TripWife and my friends and family rock as I got some pretty cool swag. If you guys are reading this, thanks for the cool shit.
Also, thank you to everyone who commented in the post wishing me a happy birthday. Getting that many comments was very cool. I appreciate it.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 11:36 AM,
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Having my Dad call and leave a voice mail on my work phone singing Happy Birthday is pretty cool. Having my co-workers sing Happy Birthday is decidedly not cool. Luckily the latter has not happened and there is only a couple more hours left in the work day so I hope I am in the clear. I don't know what it is, but having adults that are not in my family sing Happy Birthday to me is so weird. It reminds me of that scene in Office Space where everyone is passing around birthday cake and Milton gets left out.
As I mentioned yesterday, I'm off to the Queen City tomorrow on business and I doubt I'll be able to post the rest of the week. I did get confirmation from Falstaff that the home game is on this Thursday night at his house. Not sure if we are playing a tourney or cash games, but I'm stoked. Thanks for setting it up Falstaff. This will be my second time at his house in Charlotte and I certainly appreciate the hospitality that has been offered.
Follow-Up Thoughts From My Previous Post:
DADI loves you.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 2:38 PM,
Weak Tight
Monday, May 08, 2006
Weak Tight
Since it rained here yesterday I couldn't do any more clean-up work so my yard looks like a hurricane came through. The rain was a blessing as I was too tired from Saturday to do anymore work anyway. I still have a metric ass ton of debris to clean up (sorry to steal your metric as term Speaker).
I barely played any poker this weekend, and in fact didn't see the felt after Friday night. I did manage to lose a little dough however on the Kentucky Derby and the De La Hoya fight. This after just noting in my last post I only gamble in one pool a year. Doh!
I don't have much to write about today, but thankfully I can at least announce DADI 6. In the interest of changing it up, we've gone Pot Limit on dat ass. Details are in the picture, but if you have any questions let me know. As usual, Jordan has put together a great banner so if you would like to pimp the event feel free to copy and paste. If you need help, let me know.
Vegas Poker has kindly offered a combined 2000 VPP Points for DADI 6. The VPP Points can be used at VPP's website for a variety of poker-related items and (poker and non-poker) gift certificates.
1000 Points will be awarded to the Winner of DADI 6.
500 Points will be awarded to the Bubble of DADI 6.
500 Points will be awarded as a Bounty on VPP_Dave.
Thank you to VPP for their contribution.
There will be no WPBT-POY points for this event. We were happy to have DADI 5 be a part of the WPBT-POY points, but Biggestron definitely has enough events lined up that there is no need to throw DADI in the mix going forward.
Tomorrow is my birthday, but it is one of those meh years. I'm turning 31 which is so not 30 and no where near 40 so it is just kind of whatever. Still, TripWife loves that stuff so I'll play along. I asked for a pretty exciting gift this year...boxers. If you're going to lay around the house playing poker in your boxers, you should at least have ones with no holes in them.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In The Last Post:
kipper there you go kip, you are on the list!
posted by TripJax @ 11:45 AM,
The Biggy, The Jake, and The Suck
Friday, May 05, 2006
The Biggy, The Jake, and The Suck
The basics behind The Biggy seem complex to some, but are really simple once you get the hang of it. Here's the deal:
A list containing 18 preselected NFL and College football games are generated each week. You must predict a winner from each game listed. From there, you must list your predicted winners in slots 1 - 18 with your most confident pick in the 18 slot, then down from there. Each week a select few games must be listed in a particular spot. Usually slots 5, 7 and 11 have a specific game that must be listed in that spot. Otherwise, you are free to choose where a team is positioned in the slots.
Of the teams you choose, if they win you receive the points for that particular slot. If they lose, you receive zero points for that slot. Throw in a few over/unders, a team high score for NFL and College, and a shut out pick, and it all comes together. At the end of each week the points are added up for each Biggy Team and a weekly prize of $50 goes to the high score. If there is a tie the $50 is rolled over to the next week making that weekly prize $100. Four weeks during the season are "Biggy Busters" with more teams to pick and more money for the weekly prize.
At the end of the year, approximately 30% of the teams that originally signed up receive a payout. The payouts are usually pretty nice with 1st place usually getting between $2,000 and $5,000 depending on the number of entries.
So what the hell is all of this about and why should you care? First, we are all a bunch of degenerate gamblers so any stuff about gambling is like chocolate pudding, we eat it up. Second, there is someone I would like everyone to know about.
There is charity talk ahead, but fret not dear reader, I'm not asking for your money or anything else.
On 9/11, we lost one of our Biggy teammates, Steven D. "Jake" Jacoby, who was a passenger on the plane hijacked and flown into the Pentagon. Since that time, friends, family, and supporters have rallied to create an event that supports the charities Jake supported during his life. In addition, this event helps generate money for a scholarship in his name at his former high school DeMatha.
The event I'm writing about is the The Jake Invitational Golf Classic. It will run May 22nd at the Heritage Hunt Golf and Country Club in Gainesville Virginia. Sponsorships range from $2,000 down to $150 for individual golfers (all registration fees include lunch, 18 holes of golf, cart, refreshments on the course, dinner, tournament gifts and the Awards Reception).
I know we are often bombarded with charitable requests both offline and here in the blogosphere, so I'm not looking for your donations here. However, if you are a golfer who lives in or around Virginia and would be interested in playing at a great course while also helping a great cause, then let me know. I know $150 is pretty steep for green fees, but it is a nice course.
Also, if anyone is interested in learning more about The Biggy and might be interested in signing up this coming football season, let me know.
Moving on...
For instance, I watched the Bahamas episode last night that aired this past Wednesday, and there were numerous shots showing them both right next to the table. They are continuously talking about the players hands, but apparently they are not heard by the players. Yet, on the last hand of the tournament, Mike calls one of the players "The Suckout King" and the player turns around and says something like, "Oh come on Mike, you just called me The Suckout King." I don't get it, part of the time they can't hear, then suddenly they can.
Can anyone who knows how the production works let me know what is up?
Happy Cinco de Mayo beetches.
Follow-Up Thoughts From My Previous Post:
I didn't get a chance to respond in my comments section, but I'm glad you guys enjoyed my TV show idea. Biggestron, I liked your comment, it had me laughing.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 11:44 AM,
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I actually feel better now than I did yesterday, but yesterday I was on the couch instead of at work, so I had that going for me. As far as this post goes, we won't even qualify it as an actual post since it is fugly too. Oh well.
I played in two tournaments yesterday. The first I finished 7th out of 180. It was my 5th final table and cash in 7 tournaments. I then played in The Mookie, but donked out pretty early when a guy with 5 high pre flop called my all-in and hit his 5 on the turn. I'm not complaining, it's poker and that shit happens. In fact, I wish every time I pushed all-in someone would call with 5 high. The Mookie made me 5 for 8 in tournament cashes and two of my no cash tourneys were blogger events. My record sucks at blogger events, but they are too much fun, ya rat bastards.
Hopefully I can play in the Blue Veiner Memorial tonight, but that will depend on how I feel, if TripWife is cool with it, and if the NyQuil doesn't put me in my place. We'll see.
Remember that show Design On A Dime? I think it was (or is) on the The Learning Channel and came out around the same time as Trading Spaces and all those other interior/exterior home design shows. Anyway, I think someone should do a show called Design On A Dime Bag. Let contestants get hella high, then set them loose on a house to go to work (or not). I bet that'd be the shit.
Follow-Up Thoughts From My Previous Post:
I liked my title.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left Comments In the Last Two Posts:
posted by TripJax @ 4:50 PM,
Strep Poker
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Strep Poker
Since right around Easter I've been feeling a little off. Sore throat, headaches, occasional fever, zero energy, etc. It would come and go so each time I thought I was getting better, only to relapse after a few days. TripWife finally forced me to the doctor (not Pauly) and he pegged me for mono. Oh shit, please don't let it be mono. He sent me off for lab work and it was thankfully not mono, but I do have strep throat.
I went home early yesterday and I'm taking today off, though I need to be back at work Thursday and Friday. Hopefully I'll be feeling better by then with the meds they gave me. We'll see. In the meantime, I'm taking things as easy as possible and doing a lot of sleeping.
Screw Titan...No You Rock Titan...No...Screw Titan
I got home yesterday around 3:30pm ready to just chill on the couch and get some rest after the news I had strep. Once settled I decided to fire up the laptop and check my emails. I had one from Titan noting I was registered for their 100 Million Dollar freeroll at 4pm.
I'm still a little pissed at Titan, so let me get to that first. I have $208 there and I tried to withdraw so I could use it towards my next PSO promo. I entered my Neteller info and was informed that since I didn't deposit via that method I can't withdraw that way. Having just experienced the Party Poker nightmare, I was in no mood to deal with any support person. I deposited $50 via Neteller and plan to withdraw it in a couple of days. Screw Titan.
Having deposited the $50, I was automatically registered for the tourney I noted above. Top 5 finishers get a seat in the qualifier that pays out 200 spots with first place receiving $160,000. I decided I would play and see how things go. Yes I'm sick, but I'm just chilling on the couch, so lets give it a whirl.
About 575 players started with 1,500 and almost immediately I went on a tear. Before the first break I had 35,000 in chips and was the chip leader. I was playing the bully to perfection and when I had a big hand, usually people were pushing with mediocre hands figuring I was just bullshitting. It was fun. No, You Rock Titan.
We got down to 50 players left and I was still in the top 5 in chips with about 34,000. People were starting to chip up fast though and I held less than 5% of the chips in play so I knew I still had my work cut out for me. I got into a huge pot with KdQd against QQ and I ended up going out a few hands later. It was the worst move I've made in a while and I should have played it differently. It was a stupid play on my part and I paid for it with most of my chips. Oh well, at least it was a free roll. No...Screw Titan.
I'm feeling pretty sluggish, and I know things are going to be hectic at work tomorrow having missed today, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post tomorrow. We'll see. For now, I'm taking my meds and going back to bed. Stay healthy biatches.
posted by TripJax @ 10:11 AM,
The Party Is Over
Monday, May 01, 2006
The Party Is Over
I speak not of the fishies, as they will continue to swim the Party seas, and I hope you are there to relieve them of their bankroll. I, on the other hand, can only take so much craptastic Party Poker Customer Support before I feel obliged to send my hard earned bankroll to finer establishments.
Let me take you down the sad road that is customer support offered by Party. First, I want to note this inolves PSO and I do not blame them in the least. I put this 100% on Party. For some background on the ordeal, I finished a promotion at PSO and earned enough points to get a $100 Party Poker gift card. I had already received a $100 Party Poker gift card in late 2005 via the exact same way, so I didn't expect to have any problems. All of the following are email exchanges. If you don't enjoy customer service crap, it may be time to move on to your next blog read.
Sentences in red are my current thoughts on the subject and were not part of the emails.
PSO to Me:
Jason...Party says you're a play money player and won't allow the giftcard transfer, sorry...order cancelled.
If you have any questions, please post them in our forum for assistance.
I might have been a play money player for a couple of days when I opened the account in 2003, but I quickly hated that shit and deposited money posthaste.
Me to PSO:
My screen name is trip_jax...
If you click this link, (link removed), you will see a screenshot of My Account which clearly shows I have $xxx.xx in real money and my screen name shows clearly in the top right hand corner.
Just when I thought their customer service was turning a corner, they go and do this. The ONLY reason I still maintain an account their is because of PSO.
It is obvious they just quickly checked a screen name similar to mine and did not take the time to be sure before denying my giftcard purchase. If they actually look closely they will see that trip_jax is in fact a real money account.
Let me know what you find out. My patience with Party is wearing thin.
I appreciate your continued time and help.
PSO to ME:
Jason...this is what i get:
Sorry, we are unable to transfer funds to trip_jax as he has not registered with the Cashier. Please ask trip_jax to click on "Deposit" in the cashier and complete the form. Please try again once trip_jax registers with the Cashier.
I think this means you never filled out the necessary info...check and make sure it's all filled out and let me know, thanks.
Me To PSO:
I don't know what they are talking about, I've been real money from the get go. If I didn't fill out the necessary info, I wouldn't have $xxx.xx in my account right now as evidenced by the link I listed earlier.I know this is not you or PSO doing this, but it makes absolutely no sense. If I had not registered with the cashier, I would not have money in my account right now. I've been real money since 2003. On top of that, this is not my first gift certificate I've gotten for Party through PSO. Check my PSO account and you'll see I've gotten one in the what sense does that make if they will do it once for a real money acct then turn around and deny the next one.??!!
I'll deal with this when I get home tonight.
From there I received an email stating sorry there is nothing else PSO can do and I should contact Party Poker directly.
Me to Party Support:
I recently completed a promotion with and ordered a $100 Party Poker gift certificate through them. I received an email (see below) from PokerSourceOnline support stating that a Party Poker representative notes that I am a play money player and do not have a real money account.
First, I have been a real money player with Party Poker for years. I don't recall the exact date that I first signed up, but it was probably in late 2003. My initial deposit(s) were via the eChecks by IGM-Pay option.
Second, if I am not a real money player, why do I show the following two most recent real money transactions on My Account as noted below:
12-Nov-05 14:34 ET
Money Transfer $100.00 Success (This is the last gift certificate)
04-Nov-05 17:19 ET PURCHASE $50.00 Success (This was a deposit by me)
Third, if I am not a real money player, how do I have $xxx.xx in my account and show the transactions above??!!
Fourth, this is not even the first Party Poker gift certificate I have received from PokerSourceOnline. As you can see from above, I have already received a $100 gift card. Yet, suddenly I am a play money player and not a real money player??!!
Your company seems to have a quickness in denying the request from PokerSourceOnline rather than a willingness to look further into the subject and see that you are frustrating a PAYING customer.
Now, I ask that you do more than just deny the claim, look into what the exact problem/issue is, and let me know what needs to be done. I am not a play money player. I have a real money account. I have made deposits in the past. I have received a gift card in the past. Please do your job, and help your customer, me, get what I am due.
Four days go by and I am hella pissed at this point. Still, I feel I kept my cool.
Me To Party Support:
I am confused as to why I have not at least received an acknowledgment of the support email I sent 4 days ago. Can someone please help me.
Thank you for your time and help.
Party Support to Me:
Dear Jason,
We have many affiliate sites who promote The is one of our affiliate sites whom you were corresponding with.
While promoting, these affiliates come up with various unique offers which they offer to players to sign-up. Players are directly associated with these affiliate site and we cannot interfere in their promotional offers.
Hence, I request you to contact this respective site if you are due for any gift offer.
From I confirm that you have a real money account trip_jax with us, which you created on 21-OCT-2003.
For any further assistance please write to me, I will be happy to assist you.
Poker Customer Care
Me To Party Poker:
PokerSourcOnline is not the one denying the gift card...Party Poker is...and for reasons that are not just. You say I have a play money account and I have clearly shown that I have a real money account. There is absolutely no reason for Party Poker to deny this request, yet you do so. I have been a real money member of Party Poker for years.
You note the following...
Sorry, we are unable to transfer funds to trip_jax as he has not registered with the Cashier. Please ask trip_jax to click on "Deposit" in the cashier and complete the form.Please try again once trip_jax registers with the Cashier.
Can you explain what this means to me? Even though I have deposited before, I went to the Deposit section as noted above and I see no form to be filled out. Is there something I need to do even though I am clearly a real money account?
What makes all this an absolute waste of my time and yours is the original Party Poker representative who contacted PSO told them I have a play money account, yet in the last email you sent me you note I've had a real money account since 21-OCT-2003. What gives?
Help, please.
Jason Turner
Me to Party Support:
Actually, Bhavana, please disregard this request. I no longer want the Party Poker gift card or Party Pokers help.
I sent the above final email after not receiving a response in a timely fashion, as usual. I never heard back from them.
In Summary:
Party Poker, if you Bhavana piss me off, you've succeeded. I have since withdrawn my money from Party and do not plan to deposit with them in the foreseeable future. However, if they ever eventually toss some free gank in my account I will try and clear it and withdraw it immediately upon completion. All I have to say is fuck party.
I hear PSO offers Absolute gift cards. Looks like I have a new promotion to work on.
Non-Pokery Stuff:
For those of you who watched at least the beginning of the NFL Draft, did you think that intro was a tad over the top. Putting the guys on a flashy stage, dressing them like pimps, and boosting their already inflated egos to a new level. I thought it was pretty much ridiculous. I know that draft day is a big deal and all, but come on, I don't need to see that shit. These guys have not even played one second in the NFL and some might not even see any action this coming season. That's just my thoughts on the subject.
Follow-Up Thoughts From My Previous Post:
I'm done with On Blogs and Lists. I hope you are too.
Big Ups To These Fine Folks Who Left A Comment In the Last Post:
posted by TripJax @ 12:14 PM,